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A python library to use builder pattern for building data processing pipelines for AI - including demo for ChromaDB

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AIFlow class

Something to simplify your AI pipelines using the builder pattern - see All other files and folders in the repo are not necessary to run your flows.


AIFlow demo - Jupyter workbook showing the works

Empty book to start - Jupyter workbook to start your own project

Class AIFlow Method Descriptions

Here is a list of methods in the AIFlow class with one-line descriptions (in Here's a one-line description for each method in the AIFlow class that you can use in your

Initialiser and config

  • __init__(self, api_key, model="gpt-4", temperature=0, max_tokens=150): Initializes the AIFlow instance with given API key and model parameters.
  • set_temperature(self, temperature=0): Sets the temperature for the model's responses.
  • set_model(self, model="gpt-4"): Configures the AI model to be used.
  • set_max_tokens(self, max_tokens=150): Sets the maximum number of tokens for model completions.
  • set_json_output(self, json_mode=False): Configures the output format to JSON if specified.
  • show_model_config(self): Displays the current model configuration settings.
  • get_token_usage(self): Returns a summary of token usage.
  • set_output_folder(self, folder=""): Sets the default folder for output files.
  • set_verbose(self, level=True): Enables or disables verbose output.

Dumping and some utility

  • show_self_data(self): Prints the current chat messages, context map, images map, and audio map.
  • clear_self_data(self): Clears all stored chat messages, context, images, and audio data.
  • run(self, func=lambda: "", label=""): Runs a specified function within the AIFlow context.

Chat interface

  • pretty_print_messages(self): Prints all chat messages in a readable format.
  • pretty_print_messages_to_file(self, file_name="output.txt", html=True): Saves chat messages to a file and optionally returns an HTML download link.
  • set_system_prompt(self, prompt=""): Sets a system prompt for the chat session.
  • add_user_chat(self, prompt, label="latest"): Adds a user chat message and generates an AI response.
  • filter_messages(self, func): Filters chat messages using a specified function.
  • reduce_messages_to_text(self, func): Reduces chat messages to text using a specified function.
  • completion(self, prompt, label="latest"): Generates a completion for a given prompt.

System call

  • call_openai_chat_api(self, messages=[]): Calls the OpenAI chat API with the provided messages.

Operating on context variables

  • replace_tags_with_content(self, input_string=""): Replaces tags in the input string with content from the context map.
  • copy_latest_to(self, label="latest"): Copies the latest context to a specified label.
  • transform_context(self, label="latest", func=lambda x: x): Transforms context content using a specified function.
  • set_context_of(self, content="", label="latest"): Sets the content of a specified context label.
  • delete_context(self, label="latest"): Deletes the content of a specified context label.
  • show_context_of(self, label="latest"): Prints the content of a specified context label.
  • show_context_keys(self): Prints all keys in the context map.
  • load_to_context(self, filename, label="latest_file"): Loads content from a file into the context map.
  • dump_context_to_file(self, label="latest", filename=""): Dumps context content to a specified file.
  • dump_context_to_files(self): Dumps all context content to individual files.
  • dump_context_to_markdown(self, output_filename=""): Dumps context content to a markdown file.
  • generate_heading_for_context(self, label="latest", prompt="Generate a short 10 word summary of the following content:\n"): Generates a heading for the specified context content.
  • dump_context_to_docx(self, output_filename): Dumps context content to a DOCX file.
  • return_latest_to_text(self): Returns the latest context content as text.
  • return_context_to_text(self, label="latest"): Returns the content of a specified context label as text.
  • return_reduce_messages_to_text(self, func): Returns reduced chat messages as text using a specified function.

State management so you don't need to rerun prompts

  • save_state(self, filename="state.json"): Saves the current state to a JSON file.
  • load_state(self, filename="state.json"): Loads the state from a JSON file.

Media operations

  • generate_image(self, model="dall-e-2", style="vivid", response_format="url", prompt="A white siamese cat", size="1024x1024", quality="standard", n=1, label="latest_image", html=False): Generates an image using the specified model and parameters.
  • dump_image_to_file(self, label="latest_image", filename=""): Saves a generated image to a file.
  • interpret_image(self, image="", prompt="What's in this image?", model="gpt-4o", label="latest", detail="low", max_tokens=300): Interprets the content of an image using the specified model.
  • generate_speech(self, model="tts-1", voice="alloy", response_format="mp3", prompt="A white siamese cat", speed=1, filename="", label="latest_speech", html=False): Generates speech from text using the specified model and parameters.
  • generate_transcription(self, filename="", model="whisper-1", language="en", prompt="", response_format="text", temperature=0, label="latest"): Generates a transcription from an audio file using the specified model.
  • generate_moderation(self, prompt="", label="latest_moderation"): Generates a moderation response for a given prompt.

System method

  • add_token_usage(self, usage): Updates the token usage statistics.

Chroma supporting function

  • chroma_query_result_to_text(obj): Converts a query result to a string for use in the class.


A python library to use builder pattern for building data processing pipelines for AI - including demo for ChromaDB






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