vanila javascript is welcome in these components too. This year I'm focusing on animation / interactivity in the components.
I'm woring on a tailwind project now so i would like to build some versitile reusable components that use the tailwind css framework. that will be in the /tailwind directory.
basically a collection of cool buttons, cards, navs, components, really sweet bits of UI that can be pulled out and plugged into any project
Make a cool component and throw it in the index.html
Lets build an awesome collection of components that look great.
Raise an issue if you want to
To contribute
- Fork this
- check out the issues and look at the ones you'd like to work on
- request the issue to be assigned to you and work on it after it is assigned to you
- submit a PR
Thanks for showing up!
#Hacktoberfest! #2021