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EvlDaemon Build

An Elixir API & daemon for the Envisa TPI (DSC) module


If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add evl_daemon to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:evl_daemon, "~> 0.4.0"}]
  1. Ensure evl_daemon is started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:evl_daemon]]


  1. Copy the config/evl_daemon.json.sample file to either /etc/evl_daemon.json or $HOME/.config/evl_daemon/config.json and set your API keys, IP address and password.

  2. Build a release by running one of the two commands:

    • mix release to build a release in development mode (no emails will be sent in this mode).
    • MIX_ENV=prod mix release --env prod to build a release in production mode.
  3. Run evl_daemon in one of the following ways (replace env with either prod / dev):

    • Foreground: _build/env/rel/evl_daemon/bin/evl_daemon start_iex
    • Daemon: _build/env/rel/evl_daemon/bin/evl_daemon daemon
    • Remote console: _build/env/rel/evl_daemon/bin/evl_daemon remote


The following actions are supported via a simple API which is protected behind an authentication token.

  • Seeing the system status by visiting /system_status
  • Seeing a list of the latest 100 events by visiting /events
  • Silent-Arming the system by doing a POST request to /tasks
  • Deleting an existing task by doing a DELETE request to /tasks

All the actions requires setting the auth_token parameter and it must match the value in the config file.


Currently, the only supported task type is silent_arm and you can enable it by doing the following:  

curl --verbose -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -d "{\"type\":\"silent_arm\", \"zones\":\"[1,5]\"}" http:\?auth_token\=SECRET

If the request is successful then you should get a response with HTTP status 201, otherwise you'll get a response with HTTP status 422 and a description of the error.

To delete this task, you can do the following:

curl --verbose -X DELETE -H Content-Type:application/json -d "{\"type\":\"silent_arm\", \"zones\":[\"001\",\"005\"]}" http:\?auth_token\=SECRET

The Silent Arm task will automatically terminate when it detects a System Arming In Progress or Partition Armed event.