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A FOPPL-Implementation in Python (Lisp-based Probabilistic Programming)


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FOPPL in Python

This repository is deprecated and has been superseded by a new implementation PyFOPPL-2.

This is an implementation of a Anglican/Clojure-based First Order Probabilistic Programming Language (FOPPL) in Python. The design of the FOPPL language is due to Frank Wood, Jan-Willem van de Meent, and Brooks Paige.

The package takes FOPPL-code as input and creates a graph-based model for it.

Please note that this is a work in progress and by no means complete, yet.


Minimal system requirements: Python 3.4 (we have tested the system on Python 3.5 and Python 3.6).

You might have a FOPPL-model such as the following, saved as a file named my_model.clj in the parent-directory of your project:

(let [x (sample (normal 0.0 1.0))]
  (observe (normal x 0.707))

After you enable FOPPL-auto-imports through import foppl.imports, you just import your model as you would with a normal Python-module:

import foppl.imports
import my_model


The imported module exposes the following three fields:

  • model: the compiled model as a class with several class-methods such as gen_prior_samples().
  • graph: the graph as created from the original FOPPL program.
  • code: the Python-code, that was created from the graph and then compiled into the model-class.


The FOPPL-compiler supports some options, which must be set before importing any FOPPL-programs. The options can be set like this:

from foppl import Options
Options.uniform_conditionals = False

import my_model


Details of the available options can be found in the file foppl/

Drawing the Graph

If you have the modules networkx, matplotlib, and graphviz installed (the last one being optional), you can get a visual representation of the graph.

model = my_model.model


NB: The design of the compiler follows as closely as possible an implementation in Clojure by Brooks Paige and Jan-Willem van de Meent, however, with various modifications and extensions.

Overview: How the Compiler Works

The compiler takes a Clojure-like input (the FOPPL program), creates a graph representing the probabilistic structure of the program, and then transforms the graph into a directly usable Python model.

The FOPPL source code is first read into clojure-like datastructures, such as forms and symbols. The datastructures can be found in the module foppl_objects and the reader responsible for the transformation in foppl_reader.

The parser then transforms the clojure-datastructures into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). The parser can be found in foppl_parser and the AST in foppl_ast.

Once we have the AST, we can use common tree-walking algorithms. The compiler as found in the module compiler walks the AST and creates a graphical model (found in graphs). Finally, the model_generator generates the Python-code for a class, which represents the original FOPPL-program as a model.

An important part of the FOPPL are distributions. The names of the distributions must be converted from FOPPL to their Python counterparts, and we need to determine the parameters of the different distributions as well as whether a given distribution is continuous or discrete. The necessary defnitions are to be found in the module foppl_distributions.

The module imports contains the magic behind importing FOPPL directly from inside Python. It basically register a new importer in the Python system, which looks for FOPPL-code and compiles it, once the FOPPL-code has been found.

Changing the Model-Class Creation

The model-generator has two major mechanisms for customization.

  1. Redefine its fields interface_name and interface_source to have the class derive from a particular class or interface. While interface_name specifies the name of the class or interface, interface_source specifies the module where the interface can be found, or an empty string '' if no module needs to be imported.

    By settings the list imports, you can also specify any number of modules to be imported at the beginning of the file (the interface as discussed above is imported automatically and needs not be part of this list).

  2. During the assembly of the class, each method starting with _gen_ is called to return the body, or an argument and a body for the method to be created. The body can either be a string or a list of strings. In the case of a list of strings, the individual strings in the list are interpreted as lines and joined together with line-breaks '\n' in between. In either case, the body is indented automatically,

    Indentation must only be taken care of when using compound statements such as if inside the method's body. You should use the tab-character '\t' for all indentations.

    The method _gen_vars(), for instance, returns a string such as "return ['x1', 'x2']". This is then used to create the following method in the model class:

     def gen_vars(self):
         return ['x1', 'x2']

    The method _gen_pdf returns a tuple ('state', body) where body is a string as, e.g., "x = 12\nreturn x+34". These two values are used to create a method with a parameter:

    def gen_pdf(self, state):
        x = 12 
        return x + 34

Adding New Functions and 'Macros'

The short story: in order to add a new function foo, add a method visit_call_foo(self, node) to the compiler (see example below).

The long story: there are two possible places to define new functions or programming structures: as part of the parser, or as part of the compiler.

  1. Parser: the parser operates on general forms (lists), made up of other forms, symbols, and values, respectively. A function call such as (apply f 12) is a form containing two symbols (apply and f, resp.), as well as the value 12. The parser's responsibility is to recognize the structure of such forms (in particular of special forms such as if, let, def, etc.) and transform the structures into dedicated AST-nodes. In the case of apply, for instance, the parser creates an instance of an AstFunctionCall-node, which takes a function's name and a list of arguments.

    As soon as you introduce a new specialized AST-node, you must update the parser to recognize the respective structure in the code and transform it to your AST-node. However, you may also want to reuse existing AST-nodes. This is done, for instance, in the case of functions such as first, which are translated by the parser to (get SEQ 0) and the like. Hence, first never occurs inside the AST, and later stages of the compiler have fewer cases to handle.

  2. Compiler: the compiler walks each node of the AST in a DFS (Depth First Search). Every AST-node that inherits from Node exposes a method walk(walker), which looks for the appropriate visit-method in the walker to call. For instance, the AST-node AstBinary looks for a method walker.visit_binary(node: AstBinary) and, when found, calls this method with itself as an argument. If no such method exists, the AST-node calls the generic visit_node intead.

    The AST itself does not impose any restrictions on what values the visit-methods should return. For the compiler, however, each visit-method returns a tuple containing a graph and an expression as string. The graph gives information about the samples and observed values in the AST-node (and its subnodes) as well as the relationships between the various random values. The expression is the actual expression as Python code.

    If you want to change how a specific AST-node is translated to a graph and/or expression, you change its specific visit-method. You have to write a new specific visit-method if you have added new AST-nodes.

    Note that FunctionCall-nodes try to find a specific visit-method before using the generic visit_functioncall. The function call (sample (normal 0 1)) looks for the method visit_call_sample(node: AstFunctionCall) first. This allows you to easily add very specific behaviour for some function calls.

    Finally, the compiler uses a scope-stack. For nodes such as let, the compiler pushes a new scope onto the stack and then defines all bindings within this scope. At the end of let, the scope is popped from the stack and all bindings are thereby discarded.

    We distinguish between functions and other symbols, since functions are treated differently and are not first-class objects in FOPPL.

The Role of the Optimizer

In order to create a finite graphical model of the given FOPPL-program, we need to impose several restrictions on the available structures. For instance, we do not allow or support recursion, and the builtin loop-structure needs an explicit constant number of iterations. Data vectors must all be fully known at compile time.

In various cases, the original severe restrictions can be slightly relaxed if the compiler is capable of evaluating some parts of the program, and simplify it. Consider, for instance, the following example:

(let [original_data [1 2 3 4]
      data (map (fn [x] (* x x)) original_data)]
        ; code working with data

To the naive compiler, data is an unknown data structure in this case, and it can not evaluate its length or contents. When the compiler, however, can perform partial evaluation on the code, it will resolve data to be [1, 4, 9, 16].

This partial evaluations are done by the Optimizer.

Example of a Custom Function

Let's say, we want to add a max-function to our compiler. In order to do so, we add a method visit_call_max to the compiler class. This method must return a tuple, comprising the graph of the node, as well as the Python expression as a string.

In our case, we assume that max always has two arguments. Both of these arguments must be 'compiled' on their own. Afterwards, we merge the graphs of both arguments, and create a new Python expression for the result.

def visit_call_max(self, node: AstFunctionCall):
    if len(node.args) == 2:
        graph_A, expr_A = node.args[0].walk(self)   # compile first arg
        graph_B, expr_B = node.args[1].walk(self)   # compile second arg
        graph = graph_A.merge(graph_B)              # merge graphs
        expr = "max({}, {})".format(expr_A, expr_B) # create expression
        return graph, expr
        raise SyntaxError("Too many or too few arguments for 'max'")

However, we might want to do some optimizations first. If both arguments are constant and can be evaluated during compile time, we do so. The first step towards this is calling the optimization-step on both arguments.

def visit_call_max(self, node: AstFunctionCall):
    if len(node.args) == 2:
        arg_A = self.optimize(node.args[0])
        arg_B = self.optimize(node.args[1])
        if isinstance(arg_A, AstValue) and isinstance(arg_B, AstValue):
            result = max(arg_A.value, arg_B.value)
            return Graph.EMPTY, repr(result)
        # as before...
        graph_A, expr_A = arg_A.walk(self) 
        graph_B, expr_B = arg_B.walk(self) 
        graph = graph_A.merge(graph_B)     
        expr = "max({}, {})".format(expr_A, expr_B)
        return graph, expr
        raise SyntaxError("Too many or too few arguments for 'max'")




Discontinuous Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for Probabilistic Programs



A FOPPL-Implementation in Python (Lisp-based Probabilistic Programming)







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