一个禁止卸载和禁止清除用户数据的Xposed模块 & 支持使用Root激活
A Xposed Module that prevents apps be uninstalled or apps' data be cleared. Also support activate with root.
To translate BanUninstall to your language, please use Crowdin
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Android 5.0 - Android 14
Please don't activate with root when any Xposed Framework is running
Android 8.1 - Android 14
I have tested with my phone on Android 14, and it works well. I can't ensure it works on your phone.
So before you use it, you must test it with an irrelevant app by yourself.
I am not responsible for any data loss if you test it using an important app.
Activate with Root via LSPatch