Cli to store your passwords in a litedb. Kind of a backend for password manager solutions.
You can CRUD passwords via a key and value and they are encrypted with salt and a passphrase you have to specify in the appsettings.json file
"Config" :{
"Salt" : "any-secret-salt",
"Passphrase" : "swordfish",
"ConnectionString" : "Filename=./pw-store.db; Connection=Shared;"
Make sure that the passphrase is known only to you, and is safely stored or memorized and only used if you use the app itself. You can also set it via an ENVIRONMENT Variable which overrides the .NET appsettings like so:
Windows with powershell:
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PW_XT__Config__Passphrase", $env:Path + "swordfish2", "Machine")
bash for linux or macOS
# open bash profile
$EDITOR ~/.profile
# add line somewhere:
export PW_XT__Config__Passphrase=swordfish2
Is returned when you execute the CLI with the '--help' option:
pwXt-cli v1.0.0
pwXt-cli <operation> <key> [options]
pwXt-cli [command] [...]
Mutate - (add, alter, del) - a password in the password store
* operation The operation to perform on the password store (add, remove, update)
* key The key to store the password under
-v|--value The password to store
-h|--help Shows help text.
--version Shows version information.
create-db Create the lite db file at the specified path
get Get a password from the password store via the specified key
list List all password keys in the password store
merge merge multiple litedb files into one
You can run `pwXt-cli [command] --help` to show help on a specific command.
(either use the build .exe or the dotnet CLI to invoke the commands. Here we use dotnet CLI, the '--' separates dotnet cli commands (like targetframework, dll to run etc.) from your application arguments
dotnet run -- create-db $file-to-db
created db and passwords collection and copied path to clipboard
The copied file-path you should then paste in the appsettings.json in the ConnectionString value (after Filename and before first semicolon);
dotnet run -- add key-1 -v password1
dotnet run -- get key-1
dotnet run -- alter key-1 -v neues-password
dotnet run -- del key-1