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WARNING! For licensing reason (moved to non open source and purchased librairies) Version 5.1 will be the last open source version of MRF, and will NOT be updated. We have made significant efforts in the price of our pro version, If you wish to upgrade feel free to consider buying a license.

Malware Repository Framework Official page:

Version 5.1

Refactored pdfdata module, moving to peepdf library (PDFData module)
Added Submit PDF streams back to the repository (PDFData module)
Added Download PDF streams (PDFData module)
Added Define Vendors priority for VirusTotal threat name copy (VT module)
Added Automatic comment on VirusTotal upload (with config) (VT module)
Added Raw strings extraction (PEData)
Added Choose machine when submitting to Cuckoo (Cuckoo module)
Added Choose options when submitting to Cuckoo (with config) (Cuckoo module)

Version 5.0

Complete refactoring with OOP
Complete refactoring in a modular way
Complete database schema refactoring (optimized for speed)
Added "Refresh" button
Added "Private" property, now owner/admin can lock down a sample to prevent write operations
Added Imphash (PEData module)
Added PDB path (PEData module)
Added Office data module
Added PDF data module
Added digisig field into sample view
Added HexView tab
Added Statistics page
Added Cuckoo page
Changed comments font, now using Courier (fixed width font)
Replaced search tab by a collapsable box
Moved threat color decision to server side for better customization
Fixed a bug in modal dialogs where scrollbars were not used
Fixed a bug in bulk removal
Fixed sporadic JS errors breaking the logic
Removed Quick edit (deprecation)

Version 4.3

Added Bulk download
Added ability to disable modules
Added ssdeep scan
Added PE scan
Added MIME type
Added program icon
Added avatar on sample page
Added PHP7 support
Added ability to edit uploader Added Cuckoo combobox as filter
Replaced old editor by tinymce editor
Fixed delete button
Fixed Cuckoo cron
Fixed VirusTotal status (added "Not Checked")
Fixed Github link target
Fixed responsiveness
Fixed sample page title
Fixed dropdown menu on mobile devices
Fixed URL search
Fixed Comment truncated at 65k characters
Fixed favorite filter display
Fixed URLs display
Fixed Cuckoo link on sample page
Fixed CDN links
Fixed incorrect VirusTotal scan display
Fixed incorrect Cuckoo scan display

Version 4.2

Sample page
Using new modular installer
Changed favorite filter for a checkbox
Added user rights management
Now comments have a WISIWIG editor
Added tooltip for bulk selection and favorite
Added Github project link in the sidebar
Added URLs description name
Fixed Signout redirection issue
Fixed bug when menu wasn't showing because of too few samples
Fixed overwritting of existing sample
Fixed menu not showing on IE/Chrome
Fixed page scrolling on Editing/Save
Fixed URLs search
Fixed Comment/URLs refresh when re-opening modal editors

Version 4.1

Added Clear filters button
Performance improvments (queries optimizations)
Fixed a bug preventing upload of archives
Fixed a bug preventing upload of password protected archives
Fixed a bug where DOCX and pseudo Zip files where extracted
Fixed footer link
Fixed short name with a new config field (on left panel collapsed)
Fixed comment, url, tags search
Added URLs filter
Fixed responsiveness
Fixed tooltips
Added avatars in users management menus

Version 4.0

New UI, based on AdminLTE
Using more recent versions of bootstrap and Jquery

Version 3.4

Cuckoo: Now you can rescan files
Cuckoo: Fixed filename (useful for package selection)
VirusTotal: Fixed filename
Cuckoo: Added scan parameters in config file
Fixed a bug preventing comment to be stored
Fixed VirusTotal uploads with PHP 5.6+
Fixed Cuckoo uploads with PHP 5.6+

Version 3.3

Added URLs to API
Moved sample comment in meta table (!Breaks backward compatibility!)
Cuckoo: now storing only database ID instead so that all links are dynamic (!Breaks backward compatibility!)
Cuckoo: removed unused report field (!Breaks backward compatibility!)
Cuckoo: compatible with version 2
Cuckoo: Now able to retrieve and reference old sample reports

Version 3.2

Added EULA
Added cron for VirusTotal and Cuckoo status refresh
Added URLs sample information
Added ability to send comment on VirusTotal
Better tags search and storage
Added ZIp extraction (no password for now)
Now comment is displayed/modified into a modal dialog (this allows big comments)

Version 3.1

UI fixes
UI improvements
Added tags
Added favorites
Added more data collapsable row
Moved some fields into collapsed row
fixed a lot of bugs

Version 3.0

Code reorganization, with now only one config file to change
Added installer script
Moved filters into a search tab
UI tweaks and improvements

Version 2.0

Yes, there's no version 1 :)
Added REST API, even for the UI
Added Authentication with UserCake. Every user has an API key.
User can only delete/edit its own samples, unless the user is admin.
Ability to send samples with REST API, an API key is needed.
Now samples keep the uploader in database.
Now samples have editable comment field. Comment can also be sent via API.
Fixed a lot of bugs.
Improved UI.
Added ability to NOT automatically upload to VirusTotal
Now deployment is easy with the install script

Version 0.4

Cuckoo reports are now saved on disk, locally. So that you don't need your cuckoo machine to be up and running to view a report.
All queries are now properly escaped.
Added VT score filter.

Version 0.3

Added VT re-scan button
Added Cuckoo support, and cuckoo scan button + results
Added pagination
Fixed bugs

Version 0.2

Added Edit button, can change vendor name
Fixed VT scan when file is unknown
Now files uploaded are shown first

Version 0.1

Initial release