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Enabling Fast Differentially Private SGD via Just-in-Time Compilation and Vectorization

The results were obtained on a Titan V GPU on Ubuntu 18.04, CUDA 11.0, and Python 3.8.5. The code will run on CUDA 10.2+ and Python 3.6+. We advise creating a fresh pip environment then installing the requirements, as follows:

# install jaxlib
PYTHON_VERSION=cp37  # alternatives: cp36, cp37, cp38
CUDA_VERSION=cuda100  # alternatives: cuda100, cuda101, cuda102, cuda110
PLATFORM=manylinux2010_x86_64  # alternatives: manylinux2010_x86_64
pip install --upgrade $BASE_URL/$CUDA_VERSION/jaxlib-0.1.55-$PYTHON_VERSION-none-$PLATFORM.whl

pip install -r requirements.txt

Before running experiments, ensure the ./results/raw folder exists in this directory.

To run the ablation study and runtime performance experiments, use the following commands from this directory:


To run the memory limit experiment, use the below commands. You may need to set --init_bs to a smaller value if you are using a smaller GPU.

python --experiments mnist --thresh 128
python --experiments lstm --thresh 1

The notebooks in the ./results folder have code to process the emitted pickle files and produce the plots found in the paper.

XLA Dumps

There are a few XLA dumps present within the supplement. The first is the folder titled text_xla_dumps. This is for the synthetic experiment. The first model considered is a matrix-vector product. In pure numpy it can be expressed with:

W = np.random.randn(5,5)  # a 5x5 random matrix (from a Multivariate Normal dist.)
x = np.random.randn(5)
b = np.random.randn(5)  # the offset/bias term

def matvecprod(W, x, b):
    return, x) + b

The equivalent TensorFlow variant is expressed as well. These files are: jax_nograd_linear.txt and tf_nograd_linear.txt. Then the gradients are taken with respect to W and b of a mean-squared-error loss. These files are jax_linear.txt and tf_linear.txt. In this file we notice differences in the XLA dump produced by the two frameworks. In this setting JAX is faster by a small margin compared to TensorFlow 2 + XLA.

The dumps for the fully connected network are placed in a file titled According to the TensorFlow documentation, one module is generated for each compiled cluster. These logs are quite verbose, but at the bottom of the final module generated there is a function titled "Entry" which represents the entry point to the program. From there, a reader can trace the called functions and notice immediate differences. An example of such a difference is that JAX has a different number of fused kernels compared to TensorFlow.


This repository is an implementation of our paper Enabling Fast Differentially Private SGD via Just-in-Time Compilation and Vectorization, authored by Pranav Subramani, Nicholas Vadivelu, and Gautam Kamath. Code contributed by Pranav Subramani and Nicholas Vadivelu.

If you use our code or paper, we ask that you please cite:

  title         = {Enabling Fast Differentially Private SGD via Just-in-Time Compilation and Vectorization},
  author        = {Subramani, Pranav and Vadivelu, Nicholas and Kamath, Gautam},
  journal       = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.09063},
  year          = {2020}


Code for fast dpsgd implementations in JAX/TF







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