I'm a 20-year-old self-taught programmer specializing in language development and transpiler engineering, automating repetitive tasks and creating tools for people and programmers to automate repetitive tasks, maximize efficiency, and save time. I've developed my own programming languages: HTH is a high-level transpiled programming language that transpiles to JavaScript in a full HTML file. HTpy is also a high-level transpiled language that transpiles to Python. Both languages feature the same AutoHotkey-like syntax, aimed at simplifying coding, enhancing productivity, and making programming more efficient. They are highly versatile, allowing you to combine HTH for front-end and HTpy for back-end development. HT++ is a statically-typed programming language that transpiles to C++. It features an AutoHotkey (AHK)-like syntax with static types, combining ease of use with the performance and power of C++. This allows for the development of efficient and versatile scripts that can run on any device where C++ is supported, ensuring compatibility across every platform.
Additionally, I can handle web automation and web scraping tasks. I can create GUI applications using AutoHotkey, make front-end page using HTH and automate repetitive tasks, including web automation with JavaScript for tasks on the browser.
- 🌍 I'm based in Bulgaria but willing to work remotely.
- ✉️ You can contact me via Email or on Discord where my username is themaster1127
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