👋 Hi there! I'm Dzejkob
🔧 Student | Aspiring Developer | Lifelong Learner
💻 Passionate about coding, solving problems, and building web applications. Always eager to learn new technologies and improve my skills.
📚 Languages & Tools:
Proficient in: C#, Python, JavaScript Web Development: HTML, CSS, React 🌱 Currently Learning: C and will be looking into rust afterwards
📈 Projects:
RPG-WPF: C# WinForms text based game with crafting enemy encounters and item systems
GSS-app: C# xaml app that simulates original software of industrial hot presses and machinary (managment of parts and such)
nvim-config: My personal neovim config with help of a friend :) (still evolving)
🛠️ Open to Collaborate: Excited about new opportunities and collaborations. Feel free to reach out!