A PocketMine-MP plugin that puts a player into spectator when they die.
Basically its like Mineplex:
- Player 'dies' (but isn't shown a death screen).
- Player gets put in spectator for a few seconds.
- Player gets put in survival and teleported to spawn.
# The messages to be displayed when you 'die'
# {victim} {world}
display: true
player: "Oh noes! You will respawn soon."
all: "{victim} died :("
# The amount of time you will be in spectator mode for (in seconds)
time: 5
# Teleport to the world spawnpoint when you 'respawn'
teleport-to-spawn: true
# Set teleport-to-spawn to false to use and change teleport-to values
teleport: false
x: 8
y: 100
z: 8
# Fire a PlayerDeathEvent when you 'die'
fire-death-event: false
- Add permission