Script to move all windows to main monitor
Switching on and off mutiple monitors result in windows being spread all over.
Using this script to move all windows to primary monitor.
Using multiple monitors. On linux I use a script that issue xrandr commands to switch around active monitors. E.g.
mymon 3 # Use 3 monitors
mymon r # Only right-hand monitors
mymon c # Only center monitor
.. etc.
Isue is when switching, the open windows are moved (randomly) around all monitors. I have most on primary monitor, and can move the few I need to the other after first moving all to one.
$ mywinhere -d
DESKTOP: 0 4650x1680
PRIMARY: Left.Top 1050.600 Right.Bottom 2970.1680
ACT CurX CurY => NewX NewY TITLE
1741 627 Some window
1060 635 Another window
GET: 10 19 => 1060 619 Another window
1060 635 Another window
GET: 0 0 => 1050 600 user@FOO:~
GET: 42 92 => 1092 692 user@FOO:~
GET: 2980 638 => 1060 -1 Another window
GET: 2970 628 => 1050 -1 Another window
ACT show GET if window is moved. NewX and NewY are new coordinates. If -1
it means keep current.