Discord bot which generates an embed with a random Pokémon
Note: For this method you will need to have Docker installed
Copy this text in a docker-compose.yml next to Dockerfile
and replace the placeholders
container_name: Pokebot
context: ../
dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile
restart: unless-stopped
- DATABASE=pokemon.db
- TRAINER_TABLE=entrenador
- DISCORD_TOKEN={discord developer token}
image: pokebot-image
- {folder in your computer}:/app/db
Note: For this method you will need to have Docker installed
Create a .env file based on .env_example
On the root folder run these commands
docker build --file docker/Dockerfile -t pokebot-image .
docker run pokebot-image --name Pokebot
Note: This project is developed to support python 3.11, for the moment, it has not been tested in future or past versions of python
- Install dependencies in requirements.txt
- Create a .env file based on .env_example
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then, you will be able to run the script.
python __main.py__
And then your bot will be running.
All commands start with '-' followed by the command itself.
The main command is '-pokemon' which is the command which generates the Pokémon with its data.
If you want to run another command or if you want to add one by yourself, go to main.py and you will see the implementation.