Here's a list of things I've done in the past
- MathFlow: My former startup. A math learning app. (Firebase, React, TypeScript, ChakraUI)
- Incubator-dashboard: Our hackathon app that won the hackathon & 1200€. (Firebase, React, TypeScript, ChakraUI)
- Course-O-Rater: A course review system MVP. Was used in a couple of courses in a Beta version. (Firebase, React, TypeScript, MaterialUI)
- Yrityksen-talous-7-tunnissa: A summary of one of the university courses. Shared for other students to help them study more efficiently.
- Another-Application: A game about job-hunting where you need to get your cv together. I was looking for my first job back then :D (Godot, GDScript)
- upskill_saas_tutorial: My first project before I started to code. A copy paste tutorial project. :D (Ruby, Ruby on rails)
- fullstackOpen2019: A full stack course provided by the University of Helsinki
School projects
- Texas Hold'em: My first programming project. A Texas Holdem with simple bots. (Python, Tkinter)
- Ohj3-projekti: A game project. (Qt, c++)
- sql-perusteet: The basics of SQL.
- A bunch of other projects not in Github. Machine learning, data structures and algorithms, programming, scripting etc.