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#CV: Generic Dynamic arrays in C


CV is a standalone and lightweight library written in C, for C developers, aiming at emulating the behavior of C++'s vector. It also makes available the most used functions from the algorithm library such as find, copy, count ...


For convenience the following types are already declared:

Contained Type Type name
char String
short VectorShort
int VectorInt
float VectorFloat
double VectorDouble


Basic example
  // Declare a vector of int
  VectorInt vec;
  // Other variables used for this test
  int tab[] = {5,4,3,2,1,0};
  int find_pos;
  int value;
  // Initialize the vector's attributes

  // Push some values
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
    vec_push_back(&vec, i);

  // find the position of the value 6 in vec (-1 if not found)
  find_pos = vec_find(&vec, 6);
  // insert the tab at the position of 6
  vec_insert_array(&vec, tab, sizeof(tab) / sizeof(*tab), find_pos);

  // insert the value -1 at the beginning of vec
  vec_insert(&vec, -1, 0);
  // delete the last value
  vec_erase(&vec, vec_size(&vec) - 1);
  // Iterate over vec and print its content
  vec_foreach(&vec, value)
    printf("%d ", value);
  // Delete the vector and free its memory


  -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 7 8 
Advanced example
  Vec(Person) people;
  Person person;
  int jack_pos;

  vec_push_back(&people, ((Person){.name = "willie", .age = 10}));
  vec_push_back(&people, ((Person){.name = "Henry", .age = 35}));
  vec_push_back(&people, ((Person){.name = "Bessie", .age = 15}));
  vec_push_back(&people, ((Person){.name = "Stephanie", .age = 64}));
  vec_foreach(&people, person)
      printf("Hi, I'm %s and I'm %d years old\n",, person.age);
  vec_insert(&people, ((Person){.name = "Jack", .age = 75}), 2);
  jack_pos = vec_find_if(&people, is_jack);
  printf("\nHi, I'm %s and I'm inserted between %s and %s\n",
         vec_at(&people, jack_pos).name,
         vec_prev(&people, jack_pos).name,
         vec_next(&people, jack_pos).name);


  Hi, I'm willie and I'm 10 years old
  Hi, I'm Henry and I'm 35 years old
  Hi, I'm Bessie and I'm 15 years old
  Hi, I'm Stephanie and I'm 64 years old
  Hi, I'm Jack and I'm inserted between Henry and Bessie

###Available functions #####Capacity:

Function Parameters Descrption
vec_size (v) Return size
vec_resize (v, size, [value]) Change size
vec_capacity (v) Return size of allocated storage capacity
vec_empty (v) Test whether vector is empty
vec_reserve (v, size) Request a change in capacity

#####Element access:

Function Parameters Description
vec_at (v, idx) Access element
vec_front (v) Access first element
vec_back (v) Access last element
vec_data (v) Access data


Function Parameters Description
vec_push_back (v, value) Add element at the end
vec_pop_back (v) Delete last element
vec_insert (v, value, position) Insert elements
vec_insert_array (v, array, length, position) Insert an array of elements
vec_insert_string (v, string, position) Insert a string and check for \0
vec_erase (v, position, [end]) Erase elements
vec_clear (v) Clear content
vec_delete (v) Clear content


Implementation of dynamic arrays in C







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