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Tanmay Jain edited this page Sep 8, 2023 · 2 revisions

Open Interpreter Roadmap

This roadmap outlines our near-term and long-term priorities for advancing Open Interpreter's capabilities and accessibility.

Near-Term Roadmap

  • Unified Model Configuration

    • Support configuring models via CLI, Python, and config file
    • Standardize on a single --model flag instead of separate local/fast modes
    • Enable any API or script to be used as a model
  • CLI & Python Parity

    • Make all CLI functionality mirror Python API
    • Eliminate inconsistencies between the two interfaces
  • Conversation Management

    • Enable saving, loading, and resuming conversations as JSON
    • Add undo command to return to previous user message
  • Refactoring

    • Modularize codebase for easier extensions
    • Separate core interpreter loop from model interfaces
  • Testing & Stability

    • Expand test suite coverage
    • Fix Windows compatibility issues
    • Resolve Code Llama integration problems
  • Documentation

    • Improved docs site with examples and tutorials
    • Segmented guides based on user personas

Longer-Term Vision

  • Open Source Model Support

    • Integrations for Claude, Mixture of Experts, Code Llama, etc.
    • Allow any model with a function API to be used
  • Desktop Application

    • Bundle Open Interpreter and Whisper into an installable app
    • Include chatbot and browser automation capabilities
  • Custom Fine-Tuned Model

    • Train a model optimized specifically for code interpretation
    • Tightly aligned with Open Interpreter's capabilities
  • Non-Programmer Support

    • No-code mode to show explanations without full code
    • Curated use cases and examples for non-developers
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