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Add brazilian-lexicon eval (openai#608)
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# Thank you for contributing an eval! ♥️

🚨 Please make sure your PR follows these guidelines, __failure to follow
the guidelines below will result in the PR being closed automatically__.
Note that even if the criteria are met, that does not guarantee the PR
will be merged nor GPT-4 access granted. 🚨


In order for a PR to be merged, it must fail on GPT-4. We are aware that
right now, users do not have access, so you will not be able to tell if
the eval fails or not. Please run your eval with GPT-3.5-Turbo, but keep
in mind as we run the eval, if GPT-4 gets higher than 90% on the eval,
we will likely reject since GPT-4 is already capable of completing the

We plan to roll out a way for users submitting evals to see the eval
performance on GPT-4 soon. Stay tuned! Until then, you will not be able
to see the eval performance on GPT-4. We encourage partial PR's with
~5-10 example that we can then run the evals on and share the results
with you so you know how your eval does with GPT-4 before writing all
100 examples.

## Eval details 📑
### Eval name
[Insert Eval name here]

### Eval description

[Insert a short description of what your eval does here]

### What makes this a useful eval?

This eval is useful because it focuses on the model's ability to
recognize less frequent words in Brazilian Portuguese, which is
essential for understanding the nuances of the language. By testing the
model on this dataset, we can evaluate how well it grasps less frequent
words and improve its overall understanding of Brazilian Portuguese.



## Criteria for a good eval ✅

Below are some of the criteria we look for in a good eval. In general,
we are seeking cases where the model does not do a good job despite
being capable of generating a good response (note that there are some
things large language models cannot do, so those would not make good

Your eval should be:

- [X] Thematically consistent: The eval should be thematically
consistent. We'd like to see a number of prompts all demonstrating some
particular failure mode. For example, we can create an eval on cases
where the model fails to reason about the physical world.
- [X] Contains failures where a human can do the task, but either GPT-4
or GPT-3.5-Turbo could not.
- [X] Includes good signal around what is the right behavior. This means
either a correct answer for `Basic` evals or the `Fact` Model-graded
eval, or an exhaustive rubric for evaluating answers for the `Criteria`
Model-graded eval.
- [X] Include at least 100 high quality examples (it is okay to only
contribute 5-10 meaningful examples and have us test them with GPT-4
before adding all 100)

If there is anything else that makes your eval worth including, please
document it below.

### Unique eval value

This eval is unique because it addresses a specific aspect of the
Brazilian Portuguese language: less frequent words. By focusing on these
words, we can test the model's ability to recognize and understand the
nuances of the language. This will help improve the model's overall
performance in Brazilian Portuguese and ensure it is capable of handling
a wide range of language complexities.
The dataset was carefully created by following these steps:

- We started with a list of less frequent words in Brazilian Portuguese,
which were sourced from two reliable datasets within the Natural
Language Toolkit (nltk) corpus: "machado" and "floresta". "Machado"
contains the works of Brazilian writer Machado de Assis, while
"floresta" is a corpus of Portuguese texts annotated with linguistic

- We combined the words from both corpora and calculated their
frequency, focusing on less frequent words.

- To ensure the quality of the dataset, we filtered out any words
containing special characters or underscores, as these are not typically
present in valid Brazilian Portuguese words.

- After filtering, we obtained a list called
"filtered_less_frequent_words" containing 37,870 valid Brazilian
Portuguese words.

- This comprehensive list of words was then used as the basis for the
eval, providing a wide variety of less frequent words to test the
model's performance in recognizing and understanding these words in the
Brazilian Portuguese language.

By creating the dataset in this way, we ensured that it contains a
diverse and extensive range of less frequent words, making the eval a
unique and valuable tool for assessing the model's ability to recognize
and understand less frequent words in Brazilian Portuguese. By using the
"machado" and "floresta" corpora, the dataset also benefits from being
rooted in authentic Brazilian Portuguese texts, further enhancing its
relevance and value.

## Eval structure 🏗️

Your eval should
- [X] Check that your data is in `evals/registry/data/{name}`
- [X] Check that your yaml is registered at
- [X] Ensure you have the right to use the data you submit via this eval

(For now, we will only be approving evals that use one of the existing
eval classes. You may still write custom eval classes for your own
cases, and we may consider merging them in the future.)

## Final checklist 👀

### Submission agreement

By contributing to Evals, you are agreeing to make your evaluation logic
and data under the same MIT license as this repository. You must have
adequate rights to upload any data used in an Eval. OpenAI reserves the
right to use this data in future service improvements to our product.
Contributions to OpenAI Evals will be subject to our usual Usage
Policies (

- [X] I agree that my submission will be made available under an MIT
license and complies with OpenAI's usage policies.

### Email address validation

If your submission is accepted, we will be granting GPT-4 access to a
limited number of contributors. Access will be given to the email
address associated with the merged pull request.

- [X] I acknowledge that GPT-4 access will only be granted, if
applicable, to the email address used for my merged pull request.

### Limited availability acknowledgement

We know that you might be excited to contribute to OpenAI's mission,
help improve our models, and gain access to GPT-4. However, due to the
requirements mentioned above and high volume of submissions, we will not
be able to accept all submissions and thus not grant everyone who opens
a PR GPT-4 access. We know this is disappointing, but we hope to set the
right expectation before you open this PR.

- [X] I understand that opening a PR, even if it meets the requirements
above, does not guarantee the PR will be merged nor GPT-4 access

### Submit eval

- [X] I have filled out all required fields in the evals PR form
- [x] (Ignore if not submitting code) I have run `pip install
pre-commit; pre-commit install` and have verified that `black`, `isort`,
and `autoflake` are running when I commit and push

Failure to fill out all required fields will result in the PR being

### Eval JSON data 

Since we are using Git LFS, we are asking eval submitters to add in as
many Eval Samples (at least 5) from their contribution here:

  <summary>View evals in JSON</summary>

  ### Eval
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
{"input":[{"role":"system","content":"You will be prompted with a single
word. Does this word exist in the Brazilian language? Answer with
exactly one letter: Y or
  • Loading branch information
mreismendes committed Apr 11, 2023
1 parent 4ece7d5 commit f434003
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Showing 2 changed files with 12 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions evals/registry/data/brazilian-lexicon/samples.jsonl
Git LFS file not shown
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions evals/registry/evals/brazilian-lexicon.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
description: Test the model's ability to distinguish between existing Brazilian words.
metrics: [accuracy]
class: evals.elsuite.basic.match:Match
samples_jsonl: brazilian-lexicon/samples.jsonl

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