This project represents a set of Julia ( bindings to libRoadRunner ( libRoadrunner is a SBML compliant high performance and simulation engine for systems and synthetic biology. This RoadRunner.jl package supports SBML and Antimony ( files as input.
Note that RoadRunner.jl is only applicable on Windows and Linux, so users cannot run it on Mac until an update in the future.
If you use any of the software, please please cite the article ( and GitHub website ( Thanks.
julia> import Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("RoadRunner")
julia> using RoadRunner
The documentation can be found at:
The main code of this package is based on the existed software of libRoadRunner and libAntimony.
src/RoadRunner.jl and src/rrc_utilities_binding.jl refer to the documentation of libRoadRunner
src/antimony_binding.jl refers to the documentation of libAntimony C API-antimony_api.h (
This current version of Julia package is suitable for Window 64 and Linux, and it is compliant for Julia version 1.1-1.9.
using RoadRunner
sbmlFile = "\\path\\to\\file.xml"
f = open(sbmlFile)
sbmlStr = read(f,String)
rr = RoadRunner.createRRInstance()
RoadRunner.loadSBML(rr, sbmlStr)
using RoadRunner
ant_str = """
const Xo, X1
Xo -> S1; k1*Xo - k2*S1
S1 -> S2; k3*S1
S2 -> X1; k4*S2
Xo = 1; X1 = 0
S1 = 0; S2 = 0
k1 = 0.1; k2 = 0.56
k3 = 1.2; k4 = 0.9
rr = RoadRunner.loada(ant_str)
We thank Luke Y Zhu for his assisting and initiating this Julia package!