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Tags: StevusPrimus/iOS



Toggle release/2021.7/2021.202's commit message


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Bump HAKit for re-subscription delay (home-assistant#1701)

## Summary
Fixes flooding the logs with "Received invalid command: mobile_app/push_notification_channel" when HA is restarting.


Toggle release/2021.7/2021.200's commit message


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Fix tests and Watch App execution in Xcode 12.5 (home-assistant#1696)

## Summary
Works around Xcode 12.5 / 13.0 (beta 1/2 at least) regressions in target launching.

## Any other notes
When running tests for iOS simulator, we get an error like:

> The bundle identifier for Home Assistant couldn’t be read. No such file or directory: “/Users/zac/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/HomeAssistant-ahjyjjgpphztaebycwnsuwmrdiho/Build/Products/Debug/Home Assistant”.

The target is set to macOS only, so it's not built for iOS simulator. Building it first then executing tests works, so clearly Xcode is incorrectly trying to analyze the target when it isn't used.

This also happens when building for Catalyst, where it can't find the watchOS app which isn't being compiled since it is iOS only:

> The bundle identifier for couldn’t be read. No such file or directory: “/Users/zac/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/HomeAssistant-ahjyjjgpphztaebycwnsuwmrdiho/Build/Products/Debug-watchos/”.

Filed this as FB9189357 as well.


Toggle release/2021.7/2021.196's commit message


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Bump HAKit & SwiftFormat (home-assistant#1690)

* Bump HAKit & SwiftFormat

* Apply SwiftFormat changes


Toggle release/2021.7/2021.177's commit message


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Bump HAKit (home-assistant#1683)

## Summary
Fixes the local push subscription failing if it connects while HA is restarting, before mobile_app is loaded.


Toggle release/2021.7/2021.172's commit message


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Fix PushProvider provisioning profile (home-assistant#1675)

Contained the wrong app group (had .dev not regular) for App Store.


Toggle release/2021.6/2021.158's commit message


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Change crash reporting & analytics to opt-in (home-assistant#1653)

## Summary
Disables crash reporting and analytics by default.

## Screenshots

| Light | Dark |
| -- | -- |
| ![Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 12 Pro - 2021-06-03 at 15 50 53]( | ![Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 12 Pro - 2021-06-03 at 15 50 55]( |

## Any other notes
- Users who have changed _any_ privacy setting have all of the values persisted, but users who have never done so will now find crash reporting and analytics disabled.
- Crash reporting being disabled explicitly prevents any communication with Sentry.
- Analytics doesn't actually do anything other than control whether error/warning logs are sent to Sentry if a crash occurs, so this doesn't really change much.
- Moves "Alerts" to under "Firebase" since it is prettier flow for them to be in that order.
- Done in response to Apple reject us (how many years since Robbie added these?!) but it's better with our ethos anyway.


Toggle release/2021.6/2021.156's commit message


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Update Localized Strings (home-assistant#1635)


Toggle release/2021.5/2021.150's commit message


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Add xcscheme changes from executable changes (home-assistant#1631)


Toggle release/2021.5/2021.142's commit message


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Bump HAKit and set User-Agent (home-assistant#1614)


Toggle release/2021.5/2021.134's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Enable Mac interface idiom & Macify settings (home-assistant#1600)

Fixes home-assistant#1305.

## Summary
Enables the new-to-macOS 11 interface idiom of Mac, which removes any interface scaling and brings more Mac-like UI.

## Screenshots
<img width="350" alt="image" src=""><img width="350" alt="image" src="">

## Link to pull request in Documentation repository
<!-- Pull requests that add, change or remove functionality must have a corresponding pull request in the Companion App Documentation repository ( Please add the number of this pull request after the "#" -->
Documentation: home-assistant/companion.home-assistant#

## Any other notes
- Updates Settings on Big Sur to use a toolbar to swap between root-level settings screens.
- Fixes blurry web view, only on Big Sur.
- `UISwitch` as a checkbox looks kind of weird; may need to do some Eureka-level changes to make SwitchRow use the `title` property on `UISwitch` to make it connected so the whole thing is clickable. This gets weird because the font size is larger for this property.