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Steven Jenkins De Haro edited this page Jul 10, 2022 · 4 revisions

What does this library do?


Simple SSL is a lightweight library to easily create SSLContext instances from KeyStore and PEM files with different formats to enable secure communication between a client and a server.

What programming language does this use?


The library was built using Java 17x on Temurin OpenJDK (was AdoptOpenJDK) in Netbeans 13x using Maven 3.8.1.

Why are the integration tests not reflected in SonarCloud?


SonarCloud dropped support for test types, and consolidated them together. As a result, based on this thread and the references that follow, the integration test count is not shown, but they are reflected in the test coverage result. See SONAR-8326, SONAR-8281, and Consolidated coverage section for additional references.