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SteveDunn edited this page Jan 8, 2012 · 14 revisions


Gleed 2D (Generic Level Editor 2D) is a general purpose, non tile-based Level Editor for 2D games of any genre that allows arbitrary placement of textures and other items in 2D space. This GitHub repository is the home for the new rewritten tool. For the original tool, please see here

Levels are saved in XML format. Custom Properties can be added to the items in order to represent game-specific data/events/associations between items etc.

Gleed 2D is free software and is written in C# and XNA Game Studio 4.0. You need the XNA Framework Redistributable 4.0 (download from Microsoft) and the Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 to run it.

Screenshot of the new Gleed 2D tool showing the lighting plugin

See here for some videos of the tool.


  • placing & editing textures (move, rotate, scale, flip, tint)
  • multiple layers
  • several tools (align horizontally, etc.)
  • primitive items (rectangle, circle, path)
  • Custom Properties per item/layer/level
  • undo/redo
  • save to XML
  • editing multiple items at once
  • toggle visibility per item/layer/level
  • preview in your application
  • parallax scrolling

It is based on the original tool of the same name. The difference here is that the code has been reworked so that everything is a plug-in. All the elements here are plug-ins. Examples of the plug-ins are:

  • Shapes (Rectangle, Path, and Circle)
  • Lighting (Lights, Hulls)
  • Behaviours

The tool generates an XML file. In your game, you instantiate a component in the Gleed library which reads this XML and you end up with an in-memory object model of your level.

There are two pieces to the Gleed project:

  • The main Gleed tool which produces the XML output
  • Components that read the XML (versions for Windows, XBox360, and Windows Phone 7.1)

Here's some things you might want to know about:

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