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Gašper Tomšič edited this page Apr 6, 2022 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the OHCA-registry-Slovenia wiki!

What is this for?

Data on OHCA is an important pillar to improve patient care and survival. In Slovenia data is gathered in different databases and is hardly analysed. Our aim is to change that! We want to create a solution that helps us (and everyone who wants) do that. We want to create a database that is compliant with Utstein 2015 protocol and is able to aggregate all of the data points we already collect.

About the team

This is an interdisciplinary student project. It is run by University of Maribor Faculty of medicine. Our goal is to develop an open-source software to help track and analyse OHCA.

The team


  • Matej Strnad
  • Miha Brezovnik.


  • Luka Petravić (please address all correspondence to this email)
  • Rok Miklič
  • Evgenija Burger
  • Eva Poljanšek
  • Urša Keše
  • Domen Kulovec
  • Gašper Tomšič
  • Gašper Šircelj


This project is funded by Medical faculty University of Maribor as a project of Development pillar 2021-2024 (RSF 2.0) with the name Students Challenges of University of Maribor (Študentski izzivi Univerze v Mariboru – ŠI:UM).

What other OHCA registries already exist?

  • European Resuscitation Council (ERC)

  • Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival, USA (CARES)

  • Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium, North America (ROC)

  • Australian Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (AusROC)

  • Pan-Asian Resuscitation Outcomes Study (PAROS)

  • Canadian Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (CanROC)

  • Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Attack Register, Ireland (OHCAR)

  • Austrian Resuscitation Council (ARC)

  • Fondazione Ticino Cuore, Switzerland (FTC)

  • Italian Resuscitation Council (IRC)

  • Registre électronique des Arrêts Cardiaques, France (ReAC)

  • Hart Voor Limburg, Netherlands (HVL)

  • German Resuscitation Registry, Reanimationregister (GRR)

  • Belgian Resuscitation Council (BRC)

  • Luxembourg Resuscitation Council (LRC)

  • Icelandic Resuscitation Council (IceRC)

  • Romanian Resuscitation Council (CNR)

  • Serbian Resuscitation Council (RSS)

  • Swedish Resuscitation Council (HLR Radet)

  • Danish Resuscitaiton Council (DRG)

  • Croatian Resuscitation Council (CRC)

  • Cyprus Resuscitation Council (KYSAN)

Source - University of Warwick

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