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This is SteGriff's 11ty starter template.

This website is powered by the static site generator, 11ty.

All pages use the layout _includes/layouts/default.njk. This is set in _data/layout.js; see GitHub discussion.

Top-bar nav links are set directly in the default.njk template.

All the CSS is in the public/style.css file, to reduce requests and make the site faster. The CSS file includes the Tachyons atomic CSS library.

Content is written in markdown, see,, etc. The markdown pages can use Liquid syntax.

Global site data is in _data/siteData.js.

Extra features

Tooltips are powered by data in siteData.js and the Transform called "tooltips", configured in .eleventy.js.

Warning: it might mess you up if you have one of your tooltip terms included in an inline JS script on the page!