The official CLI (Command Line Interface) dev tools for working with the Stacked framework. Stacked is a framework built in Flutter for production teams. It is built for maintenance, readability, and scaleability. To read about the usage of this tool read the Stacked CLI docs
Todo: write out the steps to run this project locally
To test the updated executable code locally run
# If you're inside the stacked_cli folder use . otherwise use path to stacked_cli directory
dart pub global activate --source path .
Todo: Write out a code base overview to explain how things are built
Templates are written as normal dart files using mustache templating. A file that can be templated should end in .stk . All the constants that can be replaced in templates ca be found in lib/src/templates/template_constants.dart
. The values we have to substitute at the moment is:
viewName: The name of the view class in dart. Given a name 'details' expects viewName to equal DetailsView
viewFolderName: The name of the folder that the view will be created in. This is a snake_case version of the name.
viewFileName: The name of the file that the view is created in with the dart extension. Given a name 'details' expects viewFileName to equal
viewModelName: The name of the viewmodel class in dart. Given a name 'details' expects viewModelName to equal DetailsViewModel
viewModelFileName: The name of the file that the viewmodel is created in with the dart extension. Given a name 'details' expects viewModelFileName to equal details_viewmodel.dart
packageName: The name of the package that the cli tool is running in. This is read from the pubspec.yaml file in the root folder.
serviceName: The name of the service class in Dart. Given a service name stripe expect
serviceFilename: The name of the file the service class will be stored in. Given a name stripe expect
to be returned.
Todo: Change to a table and add all other template variables here