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Useful utility classes and functions that make discord.js bot developing more efficient.


Node.js v14+ is required.

First, install this scoped package by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install @squiddleton/discordjs-util


The package exports a Client class that extends the native discord.js class of the same name. By providing more options when initializing it, more features become available:

const { Client } = require('@squiddleton/discordjs-util'); // This package is compiled to CommonJS, so both require() and import syntax are supported
const { GatewayIntentBits } = require('discord.js'); // This package supplements discord.js instead of replacing it

// 'devGuildId' is one property added to the extended Client options, but
// more are available as shown in the extended ClientOptions TSDoc annotations
const client = new Client({ intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds], devGuildId: '1234567890123456789' });

client.on('ready', () => {
    console.log(; // Prints the name of the devGuild retrieved from its id

client.login('token here');


The SlashCommand and ContextMenu classes provide support for the construction of Chat Input and Context Menu application commands, respectively.

const { Client, ContextMenu, evalCommand, SlashCommand } = require('@squiddleton/discordjs-util');

const pingCommand = new SlashCommand({
    name: 'ping',
    description: 'Replies with pong',
    scope: 'Global', // Scopes determine where commands are deployed to
    async execute(interaction) {
        await interaction.reply('Pong!');

const evalContextMenu = new ContextMenu({
    name: 'Eval',
    type: ApplicationCommandType.Message,
    scope: 'Dev', // Only deployed to the server indicated with the "devGuildId" in the ClientOptions
    async execute(interaction) {
        await evalCommand(interaction, interaction.targetMessage.content, true); // evalCommand() is a function tailored for application commands

const client = new Client({ intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds], commands: [pingCommand, evalContextMenu] });

client.on('ready', async () => {
    if (client.isReady()) {
        await client.deploy(); // Deploys all commands from the ClientOptions "commands" array (should only be called when command structures are updated)

client.login('token here');

The constructor argument can contain other properties familiar to the official discord.js guide's command handler, including options and permissions.

The scope property of a command is entirely custom, and it determines where the command will be deployed. There are four possible scopes:

  1. Global: The command is deployed globally and is accessible in both servers and direct messages.
  2. Guild: The command is deployed globally but is only accessible in servers.
  3. Dev: The command is only deployed in the guild with the id from devGuildId in the ClientOptions (if provided).
  4. Exclusive: The command is only deployed in the guild with the id from exclusiveGuildId in the ClientOptions (if provided) and deployed in the devGuild (if provided). This is to ensure that all commands are accessible in the devGuild.

Both command class instances have a .toJSON() method which returns an object in ApplicationCommandData format. The ContextMenu class also has .isMessage() and .isUser() methods which will narrow down the its specific type.


The ClientEvent class standardizes the construction of the events that the client emits, and it automatically adds listeners for those events to the client upon construction.

const { Client, ClientEvent } = require('@squiddleton/discordjs-util');

const event1 = new ClientEvent({
    name: 'ready',
    once: true, // Registers the event using EventEmitter#once() instead of EventEmitter#on()
    async execute(client) {
        console.log(`Now logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`);

const event2 = new ClientEvent({
    name: 'interactionCreate',
    async execute(interaction) { // No "once" property defaults to using #on()
        if (interaction.isRepliable()) {
            await interaction.reply('Hi!');

const client = new Client({ intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds], events: [event1, event2] });
// When ready, the Client's username will be logged, and any application command interactions will be met with "Hi!"

client.login('token here');


Along with the aforementioned evalCommand() function, this package has two more functions as top-level exports: validateChannel() and validateGuild().

Using the normal discord.js method <Client>.(channels|guild).cache.get(<Id>) returns a union type of either the expected structure or undefined. Additionally, getting channels by this method provides no automatic typeguarding, so typeguards like <BaseChannel>.isTextBased() must be used before calling .send() on the channel. Both of these methods return solely the structure instead of possibly returning undefined; if the structure is unavailable, an error will be thrown to call out this unexpected behavior. When the third argument of validateChannel() is set to true (the default value), it will also only return a TextBasedChannel, otherwise throwing an error. Although these functions may seem insignificant, TypeScript users will find this automatic type narrowing much more efficient than manually checking every time a channel/guild is retrieved.

const { Client, ClientEvent, validateChannel, validateGuild } = require('@squiddleton/discordjs-util');

const ready = new ClientEvent({
    name: 'ready',
    once: true,
    async execute(client) {
        const channel = validateChannel(client, '1234567890123456789'); // TextBasedChannel instead of Channel|undefined
        const guild = validateGuild(client, '987654310987654321'); // Guild instead of Guild|undefined

        await channel.send(;

const client = new Client({ intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds], events: [ready] });


This package is fully independent and unaffiliated with both Discord Inc. and discord.js.