Hello There! I'm Spandan Mukherjee! 🚀
Hope your coding journey is filled with fantastic commits and seamless merges! Keep coding! 👋👋
I am just a Simple Developer and a Passionate Innovator who finds crazy on discovering new Technologies.
🔭 I’m currently working on Open Source Contributions and also as a Hacktoberfest Project Mainatainer.
🌱 I’m currently learning React, Electron JS and Web3 Tech
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Hackathons and Open Source Contributions
👨💻 All of my projects are available at My Portfolio
💬 Ask me about Web3, UI/UX, Web Development and Project Ideas
⚡ Fun fact I keep secrets!
I'm a passionate advocate for open source with a twist. I follow what I call the "Compassionate Contributor Rule." It's all about making empathetic contributions to open source projects. I seek out issues that might go unnoticed, but could cause frustration for fellow developers. Additionally, I prioritize creating onboarding resources that not only educate but also inspire, making the open source experience more enjoyable and accessible for all. ❤️🌟