How to setup Mosquitto MQTT Broker using docker with Authentication and Websocket support.
Companion for OpenTTD JGRpp's Scheduled Dispatch
OpenTTD - - with additional patches
A standalone server for programming game Screeps
A cross-platform NBT editor built on the web!
一键整理背包或箱子 ||||| A addon for Minecraft Bedrock Edition,Inventory Tweaks player backpack and chest.
Connect to any Minecraft server from PS4/Xbox One.
Tutorial and Simple Script for Minecraft Bedrock Dedicated Server
Containerized Minecraft Bedrock Dedicated Server with selectable version
Join any Minecraft Bedrock Edition server IP on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PS4/PS5
A 20 minute hack job to show how to share Livewire components using a package
a collection of best practices / commonly used patterns with ngrx extensions - store, effects, router and others
Chinese translation for OpenBiblio i18n
lin-123 / javascript
Forked from airbnb/javascripteslint-config-airbnb 中文版
A pure PHP library for reading and writing presentations documents
Lightweight Music Server. Access your self-hosted music using a web interface.
Write PIXI apps using React declarative style
Write PixiJS applications using React declarative style.