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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 17, 2021. It is now read-only.


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Welcome to Glink👋


University of Warwick: Developer Student Club : Solution Challenge



ReactJS : Basic Front end framework
NextJS : Work with React to help with routing and pre-render HTML
Next-PWA : PWA Plugin for Next.js works with workbox
Yarn : Alternative package manager to npm

React External Components

google-map-react : Simple react library to display a Google Map.


ChakraUI : New modern Front-End component library

  • Firestore : Cloud based NoSQL Database
  • Authentication : Easy authentication with firebase
  • Storage : Image/File Hosting
  • Hosting : Web content hosting

Typesaurus: Adds type-safety to firestore. Also makes requesting data easier.
TypesaurusReact: React hooks for Typesaurus


Start by cloning this repository with git clone


Make sure to run this before any other scripts.

yarn install

Development server

Runs a development server on localhost:3000

yarn dev

Local Deployment

yarn build
yarn start

Deploying to Firebase hosting

firebase init hosting

Use out when specifying the public directory.

yarn deploy

(Deploys hosting content and config.)

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