(UTC +09:00) - https://sogo.dev
This package reads your JSDoc-annotated source code on NextJS API route and generates an OpenAPI (Swagger) specification.
a Next.js plugin to generate OpenAPI documentation from route handlers
Opinionated reset stylesheet that provides a clean slate for styling your html.
curl-like access to AWS resources with AWS Signature Version 4 request signing.
🚨 Design workflows of slog handlers: pipeline, middleware, fanout, routing, failover, load balancing...
Built on Mountpoint for Amazon S3, the Mountpoint CSI driver presents an Amazon S3 bucket as a storage volume accessible by containers in your Kubernetes cluster.
Redis Operator creates/configures/manages high availability redis with sentinel automatic failover atop Kubernetes.
🌱 Type stubs for Celery and its related packages
How to run Stable Diffusion on Raspberry Pi 4
Dockerfile to create a Docker container image for Squid proxy server
Test for CVE-2000-0649, and return an IP address if vulnerable
🦜🔗 Build context-aware reasoning applications
Easily serialize Data Classes to and from JSON
Python bindings for the Cedar Policy project.
The Container Storage Interface (CSI) Storage Plugin for NIFCLOUD Additional Storage.
A clean watch face made by classic 7-segment displays
Kubernetes Cloud Controller Manager for NIFCLOUD (beta)
Install / Configure Docker and Docker Compose using Ansible.