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Project in progress

Live app:

Test account
username: "TestAccount"
email: "[email protected]"
password: "Test1234"

API documentation:

Setup environment

Use below command to install all dependencies:

$ yarn run install:all

Start development

If you are using VSC build in terminal, you can start with Shift + cmd + B and choose Start Dev.

Otherwise use $ yarn start:all


Husky will abort every commit with failed test and/or eslint errors.

Styling components

  1. Use Css Modules to style components
  • Create scss file ${name}.module.scss and import style to component with import styles from './${name}.module.scss';.
  • Use imported styles in className: <p className={styles.className}></p>
  1. Use global styles
  • To use global values like variables & mixins @import file to styles/sass/global.scss
  1. Use global classes
  • Import .scss files to styles/sass/main.scss