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Releases: SmCTwelve/f1-bot


21 Nov 18:43
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Minor fixes and improvements for data handling.

  • Update FastF1 v3.1.5
  • Filter out race start incidents from some plots to prevent skewing the graph
  • New /track-incidents command provides a table overview of track events like safety cars and driver retirements. Penalties and steward actions are not provided by API so will consider how to implement in future.

Run poetry install to update dependencies.


20 Sep 22:15
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  • Fix empty lap data when FastF1 returns inaccurate laps (#24)
  • Improved handling of errors
  • Added version info
  • New lap option for /plot gap, /plot telemetry and /plot track-sectors to compare data for a specific lap number
    • leave the option omitted to use the fastest lap as before

Run poetry install to update dependencies.

Release v2.0.2

16 Sep 21:42
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  • Memory optimisation (see #22)
  • Updated FastF1 v3.1.2
  • Renamed old /plot gap to /plot lap-compare
  • New /plot gap to plot delta over lap distance between two drivers
  • New /plot avg-lap-delta to compare driver performance to average session time
  • Added Delta line to /plot telemetry output when comparing two drivers

Rewrite v2

31 Jul 18:05
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Bot has been rewritten in Pycord and uses the Discord Slash Commands interaction. Many more commands added which are more powerful and make use of FastF1 and Pandas for data processing.

List of available commands

  • Python 3.11+
  • Complete code restructure
  • Convert from to Pycord
  • Slash commands
  • Added caching
  • Output data tables as image instead of ASCII
  • Improved error handling
  • Logging output
  • Docker support
  • Pandas and matplotlib processing
  • FastF1 integration

Ready to use

26 Mar 01:58
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All desired functionality implemented and tested; including conversion of driver codes and numbers to ID's and generating plots.

API result caching will be implemented in a future release.


  • DM config options
  • DM help messages
  • Allow filtering fastest lap plots by driver
  • Cleaned up output formatting