This application has been tested on R >= 3.5.0, OSX 10.14 / Windows 7/8/10. R can be downloaded from the main R Project page or downloaded with the RStudio Application. All modules are maintained for MaxQuant >=
This repository contains a collection of scripts and pipelines for processing, integrating, and analyzing single-cell proteomics data acquired by mass-spectrometry. The code originated from the SCoPE2 pipeline, which was abstracted and generalized so that it can be used for analyzing data from other projects, including data acquired by plexDIA, pSCoPE, and other mass-spec methods for single-cell proteomics.
The code on this repository has been developed as part of multiple projects in the Slavov Laboratory, and more information about these projects can be found at
The code is distributed by an MIT license.
Please feel free to contribute to this project by opening an issue or pull request.
For any bugs, questions, or feature requests, please use the GitHub issue system to contact the developers.