An equation based LFO generator for the GHOST and Vital synthesizers
Install them all using pip install numpy scipy soundfile
- Can be used to define the LFO Name and manage LFO presets
- Hover on buttons to see their function
- Expand drop-down menues to select a different function to use, press Add to insert it into the Raw Equation Box
- The Raw Equation box is able to be typed to manually and supports all functions from python, numpy (np), and random
- Resolution controls how many points will be sampled for the plot
- xStart and xEnd control which x-values will be sampled
- yStart and yEnd control which y-values will be used
- xPhase nudges the sampled points in either direction
- z Position For 3D waveforms. Moves wave along the z-axis (0-1)
- Num Z Frames For 3D waveforms. Controls z number of positions to snap to (1-256) as well as the number of 2048 sample frames to export as audio
- The Equation Viewer plots the Raw Equation given the bounds put out in xStart/End and yStart/End
- If Scale Y to fit is checked, y-bounds will automatically be set
- View Points toggles point displays on the plot
- View Unsmoothed displays the unsmoothed lines
- Smooth displays a smoothed curve, an exported smooth LFO will look slightly different
- Regenerate Plot replots the equation, usefull for rerolling things involving random numbers
- Copy Vital LFO copies the currently ploted points into a Vital LFO format allowing it to be directly pasted into Vital
- Export LFO File exports the currently ploted points to either a GHOST or Vital LFO file
- Export Waveform renders the equation to a 2048 point resolution and exports it to a file. Supports