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333 lines (273 loc) · 8.63 KB

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333 lines (273 loc) · 8.63 KB

Warning This guide is outdated, check out the new updated guide for more accurate information about the callout snippet.


Get Callout Snippet

Type Description
[!infobox] Wikipedia-like infoboxes: How to Format
[!captions] Displays text around image in the style of a caption
[!kanban] Displays a (functionally limited) kanban board: How to Format
[!grid] Display images in a grid/masonry style: How to Format
[!recite] A D&D styled popout
[!metadata] Styled callout that colors **bold** words, table headers, and inline dataview keys blue
[!cards] Style images and dataview tables like notion's gallery view: How to Format
[!table] Prevent table from wrapping
[!aside] Add asides to the side of notes
[!timeline] Style callout as a vertical Timeline How to Format
[!column] Style inner callouts as columns: How to Format


Format Syntax:

> [!callout-type|adjustment adjustment2]

> [!kanban|n-t]
> [!kanban|no-title txt-c]
> [!caption|left]

Callouts uses the same parameters as the images for resizing (width-wise) and moving it.

Abbr. Full Title Description
no-t no-title Hides callout title
s-t show-title
n-th no-table-header Hides table header in callouts
no-i no-icon Hide callout icon
txt-c text-Center Center callout text
ttl-c title-Center Center callout title text
embed Remove callout padding to expand embed
nmg no-margin Remove callout margins
clean Remove callout Styling
alt-co Alternate Callout styling for individual callouts
alt-line Minimalistic callout style with only title underlined
dim Dim collapsible (+/-) callouts unless hovered and opened
dim-hvr Dim callout unless hovered
collapse Remove all padding and margins for ultra compact look
t-w table-wide Widen table to edges of callout
tbl-cln table-clean Remove most table styling: lines, background colors

Yaml css classes to style different on per page basis

cssclass Description
alt-co Alternate Callout Styling, use callout color as background color
co-ttl-ctr Center callout titles


Abbr. Full Title Description
c- color- Change callout title/border color
bg- background- Change callout background color
bg-c- background-color- Change callout title and background color
  • Colors:
    • purple
    • blue
    • green
    • red
    • pink
    • orange
    • yellow
    • gray


> [!recite|color-blue]

> [!recite|background-blue]

> [!recite|background-color-blue]
> [!recite|c-purple]

> [!recite|bg-purple]

> [!recite|bg-c-purple]

Text Color:

Background Color:

Text & Background Colors:



> [!infobox]
> # Name
> ![[Image.png|cover hsmall]]
> ###### Stats
> | Type |  Stat |
> | ---- | ---- |
> | Test | Testing |
> | Test | Testing |
> ##### Stats 2
> | Type | Stat |
> | ---- | ---- |
> | Test | Testing |
> | Test | Testing |
> [!infobox]+ Collapsible Infobox
> # Name
> ![[Image.png|cover hsmall]]
> ###### Stats
> | Type |  Stat |
> | ---- | ---- |
> | Test | Testing |
> | Test | Testing |
> ###### Stats 2
> | Type | Stat |
> | ---- | ---- |
> | Test | Testing |
> | Test | Testing |
> [!infobox|left]
> # Name
> ![[Image.png|cover hsmall]]
> ###### Stats
> | Type |  Stat |
> | ---- | ---- |
> | Test | Testing |
> | Test | Testing |
> ###### Stats 2
> | Type | Stat |
> | ---- | ---- |
> | Test | Testing |
> | Test | Testing |

Image Grid

[!grid] Best type for internally linked images
[!grid|masonry] Best type for externally linked images
> [!grid]
> ![[Internal Image.png]]
> ![[Internal Image 2.png]]
> ![[Internal Image 3 on New Row.png]]

> [!grid|masonry]
> ![External Image 1](
> ![External Image 2](
> ![External Image 3 on New Row](


> [!kanban]+
> - [[Link|Lane 1 Title]]
> 	- ![[Image.png]]
> 	- [[Link|Card]]
> - [[Link|Lane 2 Title]]
> 	![[Image without background card styling.png]]
> 	- [[Link|Card]]
> - Text
> 	- [ ] Text


Might want to install the Image Adjustments snippet to control the images sizing

  • Blank Line > separated
  • **Bold** syntax will center text and and a background color (no background color for dataview tables)
Adjustment Description
2, 4, 5 Change number of columns; 3 is default
dataview Style dataview table and lists as cards
dvl Style dataview list

External and Internal Images:

> [!cards]
> **[[Link]]**
> ![Image link|sban htiny ctr](
> **[[Link]]**
> ![[Image Link.png|sban htiny ctr]]

Add More Columns:

> [!cards|4]
> **[[Link]]**
> ![Image link|sban htiny ctr](
> **[[Link]]**
> ![[Image Link.png|sban htiny ctr]]
> **[[Link]]**
> ![Image link|sban htiny ctr](
> **[[Link]]**
> ![[Image Link.png|sban htiny ctr]]

Style Dataview Table:

> [!cards|dataview]
> ```dataview
> 	"![|sban cover hmicro](" + image + ")" as Image,
> 	"**"+ + "**" AS "Column Name",
> FROM "folder"
> LIMIT 10
> ```



Adjustment Description
flex Wrap column on smaller width screens
3, 4 Add more columns; Default is 2
dataview Styles dataview LISTs into columns
(column numbers work with this as well)
> [!column]
>> [!info] Column 1
>> - Use another callout for columns
>> [!note] Column 2
>> Need that singular blockquote `>` as separation between columns
> [!column|flex 3]
>> [!info|no-t] 
>> Column 1
>> [!important]+ Current Topics
>> Column 2
> [!column|dataview 3] 3 Columns for Dataview List
> ```dataview
> FROM ""
> LIMIT 20
> ```


Adjustment Description
t-l Timeline callout left side
t-r Timeline callout right side
t-1 to t-10 Add some spacing above the timeline callout to simulate how close events are in time
> [!timeline|t-l] **Title** _Subtitle_
> Left aligned timeline piece

> [!timeline|t-r t-4] **Title** *Subtitle*
> Right aligned timeline piece

> [!timeline|t-r t-10] **Title** *Subtitle*
> Spaced timeline piece


Adjustment Description
show-title Brings back callout title for Asides
clean Remove Aside styling
tufte Tufte Aside styling (WIP, somewhat buggy)
left Move aside left
right Move aside right
> [!aside|clean right]
> Removes styling from aside

> [!aside|tufte]+ 
> Tufte styled aside callout

> [!aside|tufte title]
> Show callout title for asides