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Vue Rate

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Rate component for Vue - Demo. Note: This version for Vue 3. If you want to use for Vue 2.x, please see.

Installation and usage

Once, install rate component for your project

npm install vue-rate@next --save
// or yarn add vue-rate@next

Import Vue Rate into your app

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import rate from 'vue-rate'
import 'vue-rate/dist/vue-rate.css'


Use HTML template

<rate :length="5" />

Options from props

  • length {number}: Star size
<rate :length="5" />
  • value {number}: Default value
<rate :length="5" :value="2" />
  • showcount {boolean}: Shows rate number when mouseover the star.
<rate :length="5" :value="2" :showcount="true" />
  • ratedesc {object}: Rate star description array.
<rate :length="5" :value="2" :ratedesc="['Very bad', 'bad', 'Normal', 'Good', 'Very good']" />
  • disabled {boolean}: Disable rate.
<rate :length="5" :value="2" :disabled="true" />
  • readonly {boolean}: Read-only rate.
<rate :length="5" :value="2" :readonly="true" />
  • iconref {string}: ID of symbol icon

Insert symbol icon into your codebase

<symbol id="icon-heart" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
  <path d="M23.6 2c-3.363 0-6.258 2.736-7.599 5.594-1.342-2.858-4.237-5.594-7.601-5.594-4.637 0-8.4 3.764-8.4 8.401 0 9.433 9.516 11.906 16.001 21.232 6.13-9.268 15.999-12.1 15.999-21.232 0-4.637-3.763-8.401-8.4-8.401z"></path>

Then add Rate component. iconref must be symbol's id

<rate :length="5" iconref="icon-heart" />
  • slot: Custom icon via slot

You can directly use custom icon via default slot

<rate :length="5" :value="3" :ratedesc="desc" class="viaSlot">
  <svg class="icon" width="20" height="19" viewBox="0 0 20 19" fill="none" xmlns="http:">
      d="M12.034 7.074H19.416L13.445 11.448L15.726 18.524L9.75201 14.151L3.77901 18.524L6.06101 11.448L0.0880127 7.075H7.47001L9.75201 0.002V0L12.034 7.075V7.074Z"

Add some flavour

.RateCustom.viaSlot .icon {
  width: 25px;
  height: 25px;
.Rate.viaSlot .Rate__star.filled{color: #813d1a;}
.Rate.viaSlot .Rate__star.hover{color: #E67136;}
  • v-model
export default {
  data: {
    return () { myRate: 0 }

or setup() in Option API

import { ref } from 'vue';

export default {
  setup () {
    const myRate = ref(0);
    return { myRate }

or Composition API with <script setup>

<script setup>
  import { ref } from 'vue';
  const myRate = ref(0);

And bind to component

<rate :length="5" v-model="myRate" />


<script setup>
function onBeforeRate (rate) {

function onAfterRate (rate) {
<rate :length="5" :value="2" @before-rate="onBeforeRate" @after-rate="onAftereRate" />


  1. Fork the project
  2. Install all dependencies
  3. Make your changes on src/Rate.vue
  4. Build the package
npm run build
# or yarn build
  1. Commit and create PR
