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Tech Stack

Tech Version
React Native ^0.72.2
Node v18.16.0
yarn 1.22.19

Platform Supported

Platform Min Version Max Version
iOS 12.0 Latest
Android API 23(5.0) API 33(13)


Install the dependencies and devDependencies.

cd Project/
yarn install

Please create a file named .env in root folder of project before executing any further commands.


Few of the commands/scripts that are configured for use in the Project's package.json have been added below. You can execute these commands as follows

yarn run <command/script>

Project Structure

Out main folder here is the src folder

Folder Description
assets All fonts and images must be added to their respective folders
container Contains AppContainer component and all other stack screens
navigation Contains navigation index file, bottom tab bar file, auth, unauth and other stack files
components All the reusable and standalone components must be defined here
actions All the action creators must be defined here
reducer All the reducer files must be defined here
store This contains the main store file
lib Contains toast component, app input component etc
network All the network calls must be defined here
hooks All the custom hooks must be defined here
utils Contains all the app utilities here