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Scrape salaries from Glassdoor, store them in AWS DynamoDB and visual analysis with plotly's Dash

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Salary Scrapy

This project crawls through Glassdoor and analyzes the salaries per profession and country. The profession is simply declared in the in an array and the countries are located in utils/country_codes.json. More can be added in both


The first part is the crawler. The salaryscraper crawls through specific urls to download the data as seen below:

     'country_currency': 'EUR',
     'job_median_payment': '1298',
     'job_percentile10_payment': '869',
     'job_percentile90_payment': '2434',
     'job_title': 'Data Scientist',
     'location': 'Athens, Attica',
     'sample_size': '56'


This project uses a connection to AWS DynamoDB to store the data in.

  1. Create a new table called "glassdoor" in DynamoDB and create & set partition key to "timestamp"
  2. Go in IAM and create a new User group and under attach permissions policies use only "AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess" also create a user and add him to that group
  3. The above steps will also give you the Access key ID & Secret key access that is needed in order to host this in Heroku add those in environment variables in Heroku and also add in your glassdoor username & password to authenticate the session
  4. The pipeline that stores the data in herokuDB along with the connection initialization is in

Scrapy & Heroku & Flask

  • The glassdoor_spider scrapes the data by creating the URLs based on the information in the static_files
  • Scraping in Heroku is not allowed so proxies should be used instead (salaryscrape/ and that makes the process slower to make this faster, hit an API with valid proxies instead of a static list
  • The store each parsed item into the dynamodb table


  • When we post a request at /scheduled_crawl, the spider is triggered and then the scheduler takes over to keep triggering it
  • The crawling is scheduled once every 1 month to get data

Core Scrape Architecture

Screenshot 2022-05-15 at 20 34 54


Run locally

How to run

  • To run locally simply change SPIDER_MODULES & NEWSPIDER_MODULE & ITEM_PIPELINES in to salaryscrape.spiders and the same for default in scrapy.cfg. Then run scrapy crawl glassdoor_spider while in the scrapy dir
  • To run in heroku, simply deploy it and run once the /crawl endpoint. Make sure to have all env variables as described above
  • More jobs/countries can be added in salaryscrape/utils/country_codes.json


  1. Unit tests
  2. Add circleci for 1) linting 3) unit tests
  3. [future perf] Use .query instead of .scan in the first 2 cases ->


Scrape salaries from Glassdoor, store them in AWS DynamoDB and visual analysis with plotly's Dash







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