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External Sources

Vinicius Arcanjo edited this page Mar 26, 2020 · 4 revisions

Following is a list of third-party sources you can install for Denite:

Repo Description
Shougo/defx.nvim The dark powered file explorer
pocari/vim-denite-emoji List and paste emoji
Jagua/vim-denite-ghq Source for ghq list
pocari/vim-denite-gists Show and browse Gists
chemzqm/denite-git gitlog, gitstatus and gitchanged source
kmnk/gitn Source and Kind set for using git
zyphrus/denite-git.nvim Exposing some git functions
ozelentok/denite-gtags Source for GNU Global
chemzqm/unite-location Control your location list and quickfix list
JoZie/denite-make Source for Make
rafi/vim-denite-mpc Browse and play your MPD music library
DaSea/vim-denite-prjmgr List your git project dir or other
5t111111/denite-rails Source for Rails
rafi/vim-denite-session Browse and open sessions
rafi/vim-denite-z Filter and browse Z (jump around) data file
hatanakay/vim-denite-z Simple list of Z directories
lambdalisue/session.vim Simple session management plugin
viniarck/tmuxdir.nvim Tmux session workspace plugin
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