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Releases: Shimell/DiscordWhitelisterSpigot

discord-whitelister 1.5.1

22 Jan 18:01
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Updated and tested for minecraft version 1.20.4.

  • MESSAGE_CONTENT intent now required.
  • Spigot API version 1.17.1 -> 1.20.4
  • JDA v4-> v5

discord-whitelister 1.5.0

23 Nov 01:22
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Possible fix for exception on player join/leave, added api version, updated pom dependencies

discord-whitelister 1.4.9

03 Aug 11:00
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  • Now uses Discord's slash commands instead of the ! prefix (/whitelist instead of !whitelist)

  • Fixed errors during startup and shutdown when fresh configs

  • Added updating player count when players enter/exit vanished mode (Works with EssentialsX, SuperVanish, and VanishNoPacket)

discord-whitelister 1.4.7

13 Mar 13:40
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  • LuckPerms support

    • To enable set 'assign-perms-with-luck-perms' to 'true'
    • Make sure you have 'use-server-uuid-cache' set to 'true' in LuckPerms config
  • GeyserMC/Floodgate support

    • To enable set 'use-geyser/floodgate-compatibility' to 'true'
    • Define 'geyser/floodgate prefix' in the config with the prefix you need
  • remove a user's registered users from the whitelist if the specified role is not found

    • To enable set 'un-whitelist-if-missing-role' to 'true'
    • Define the required role by setting 'role-to-check-for' with your desired role name
  • Added crafatar as a secondary option for displaying players' skins

    • To enable set 'use-crafatar-for-avatars' to 'true'
  • Bot now only filters out self, not other bots/webhooks

    • Use webhooks with this bot at your own risk, they have not yet been tested

1.4.6: on-whitelist command's %PLAYER% variable is no longer converted to lo…

04 Feb 20:37
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on-whitelist command's %PLAYER% variable is no longer converted to lowercase to fix compatibility with case sensitive commands

discord-whitelister 1.4.5

03 Feb 12:13
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  • Fix for whitelisting amount issue

  • Added options to delete all unnecessary bot messages (everything except whitelist add & remove messages)

    • To enable set 'remove-unnecessary-messages-from-whitelist-channel' to 'true'
    • use 'seconds-to-remove-message-from-whitelist-channel' to set the desired wait time
  • You can now warn users that they are talking in a commands only channel

    • To enable this set 'show-warning-in-command-channel' to 'true'
    • By enabling 'remove-unnecessary-messages-from-whitelist-channel' this warning and the users message will be removed after a set amount of time
    • Warning message can be edited in 'custom-messages.yml'
  • Added an option to disable info commands

    • To enable set 'hide-info-command-replies' to 'true'

discord-whitelister 1.4.4

20 Dec 18:38
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Added @DiscordMention parameter to !whitelist add command for staff members.

  • Staff members can now add @DiscordMention to the end of the existing whitelist add command like so:
    • !whitelist add minecraftUsername @DiscordMention
  • This allows staff members to keep control of the whitelisting process without requiring user input.
  • With whitelisted-role-auto-add & whitelisted-role-auto-remove enabled, the bot will now add the user to the user list & assign roles automatically which previously the user would have to whitelist themselves to do.

discord-whitelister 1.4.3

05 Dec 14:21
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  • A few bug fixes

discord-whitelister 1.4.2

18 Nov 01:49
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  • Added '!whitelist clear' command for limited whitelisters:

    • This allows limited whitelisters to remove all their whitelisted minecraft names and regain the ability to whitelist up to the current max whitelist amount
    • The user will also have their Discord whitelisted-roles revoked if whitelisted-role-auto-remove is enabled (the role(s) will be re-added upon a successful whitelist)
    • This feature can be disabled by setting allow-limited-whitelisters-to-unwhitelist-self to false
  • Changed logging solution to Logback

  • re-shaded dependencies to avoid conflicts with other plugins

  • Better handling during on-ban event

discord-whitelister 1.4.1

29 Oct 01:24
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Quite a bit has been added since 1.3.8, so if you experience any issues please report them here: or add me on Discord: Joe#5782

Please check the wiki for more information on these added features:

  • Better handling when not eligible to access the 'GUILD_MEMBERS' intent

  • Merging premium version back to the free version - Thank you to the people that supported me over at mc-market

  • General bug fixes

  • In-game ban events

    • When enabled, the bot will listen in-game for the /ban command. When the ban command is executed and the target Minecraft username is linked to a Discord ID, the bot will remove any assigned whitelisted-roles and assign any set banned-roles. The bot will also remove any other Minecraft usernames that were whitelisted through the same Discord ID.
  • Whitelisted Roles Auto Remove

    • Automatically removes any whitelisted-roles from a Discord user if a user in any of the add-remove-roles removes any of their registered Minecraft usernames through the bot. The bot also removes any whitelisted-roles if any of their linked Minecraft names are removed in-game when add-in-game-adds-and-removes-to-list is enabled.
  • Adds In-Game Add and Removes To Lists

    • When enabled, the bot listens for vanilla or easy whitelist add/remove commands. When someone is removed they are added to a store called in-game-removed-list.yml. This means users in Discord cannot re-add users that have been removed in-game (not through the bot). When a user is added in-game and is located in either removed lists (removed-list.yml & in-game-removed-list.yml) they will be removed from said lists automatically.
  • Assign Permissions with Ultra Permissions

    • Automatically assigns permissions set in server-root/plugins/DiscordWhitelister/on-whitelist-permissions.yml to the target Minecraft username on whitelist success. The bot also automatically removes any assigned permissions when removed from the whitelist either through the bot or in-game, and when banned.
  • Use On Whitelist Commands

    • Runs any amount of commands as either the console or the target Minecraft username when the player is successfully whitelisted. Any command you add to the list supports %PLAYER% which will be replaced with the target Minecraft username when the player is successfully whitelisted. NOTE: The 'PLAYER' type will only work if the target whitelisted player is in the server at the time of command dispatch. This should only be used in specific situations.
  • Utility Commands

    • !clearname [mcName]:
      • Clears a whitelisted name from a limited-add user, un-whitelists the target name alongside removing on-whitelist perms if enabled; and gives the user a whitelist token back.
    • !clearban [mcName]:
      • Clears the target name from either or both removed lists so a limited-add user can add the specified name in the future.
        These commands remove the need to edit the files manually if you run into an issue regarding mistaken whitelist adds etc.
  • Custom prefix support for utility commands.

  • Custom message support for utility commands.

  • Added an option to disable un-whitelisting on server/guild leave.

  • The bot will now check on start-up if any users have left whilst the bot was offline and un-whitelist their associated Minecraft names accordingly.

  • Automated instructional message:

    • Sends an instructional message (if enabled) after a successful whitelist, to help the next user whitelist correctly.
    • Message can be sent instantaneously or delayed with a timer.
    • Message can be edited within custom-messages.yml.
  • The whitelist remove command now also removes any occurrences of the specified name from the user list if there is any.