Port number for db and server:
the server is running on port 3000 localhost:3000
the db is running on port 5432
Environment variables:
POSTGRES_USER= <-- your user here -->
POSTGRES_PASSWORD= <-- your password her -->
SALT_ROUNDS= <-- your salt rounds here -->
BCRYPT_PASSWORD= <-- your bcrypt password here -->
TOKEN_SECRET= <-- your token secret here -->
Package installation instructions: these are the instructions for installing the packages needed for the backend
npm i express --> this is the express package that will be used to create the server
npm i jsonwebtoken --> this is the jsonwebtoken package that will be used to create the tokens
npm i bcrypt --> this is the bcrypt package that will be used to hash the passwords
npm i cors --> this is the cors package that will be used to allow cross-origin requests
npm i db-migrate --> this is the db-migrate package that will be used to create the migrations
npm i dotenv --> this is the dotenv package that will be used to read the environment variables
npm i jasmine --> this is the jasmine package that will be used to run the tests
npm i jasmine-spec-reporter --> this is the jasmine-spec-reporter package that will be used th help the tests run
npm i morgan --> this is the morgan package that will be used to log the requests
npm i pg --> this is the pg package that will be used to connect to the database
npm i supertest --> this is the supertest package that will be used to test the end points
Setup db and server instructions:
#create user and database
sh CREATE USER <-- your user here --> WITH PASSWORD '<-- your password here -->';
#create database
sh CREATE DATABASE <-- your database here -->;
#give user access to database
sh GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE <-- your database here --> TO <-- your user here -->;
scripts to use in the project
"dev": "nodemon ./src/index.ts"
--> this is the command to run the server in the dev environment
"clean": "rimraf build/"
--> this is the command to clean the build folder
"build": "npx tsc"
--> this is the command to build the project
"start": "npm run build && nodemon build/index.js"
--> this is the command to start the project
"format": "prettier --write 'src/**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}'"
--> this is the command to format the code
"lint": "eslint . --ext .ts"
--> this is the command to lint the code
"test": "Set ENV=test && db-migrate up && npm run build && Set ENV=test && jasmine && Set ENV=test && db-migrate reset"
--> this is the command to test the project
Database schema with column name and type.
#### Product
- id
- name
- price
- [OPTIONAL] category
- id
- username
- password
- id
- user_id
- status
- id
- order_id
- product_id
GET /users --> returns all users in the database
GET /users/:id --> returns a user with the given id
POST /users --> creates a new user
GET /products --> returns all products in the database
GET /products/:id --> returns a product with the given id
POST /products --> creates a new product
GET /orders/:id --> returns an order with the given user_id
GET /orders --> returns all orders in the database
GET /orders/:id --> returns an order with the given id
POST /orders --> creates a new order
POST /orders/:id/products --> adds a product to an order
GET /orders/user/:id --> returns all orders for a user with the given id