TensorFlow implementation for Bayesian Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification for Learning to Optimize: What, Why, and How
Yuning You, Yue Cao, Tianlong Chen, Zhangyang Wang, Yang Shen
In ICLR 2022.
In this repository, we perform Bayesian modeling in learning to optimize techniques, to address the practical need of accessment and quantification of optimization uncertainty. Experiments are conducted on optimizations in test functions, privacy attacks and protein docking.
Create conda environment via:
conda env create -f environment.yml
cd sonnet_modified_files
and then copy files: basic.py
, gated_rnn.py
into the conda environment directory as:
cp gate_rnn.py $CONDAENV_PATH/envs/tf_gpu_1.14/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sonnet/python/modules/
cp basic.py $CONDAENV_PATH/envs/tf_gpu_1.14/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sonnet/python/modules/
mkdir ./weights; mkdir ./logs; cd src
Stage 1 training:
python train_dm_rs_cl.py --problem $problem_name --stage 1 --save_path ../weights/${problem_name}_stage1.ckpt
Stage 2 Bayesian training:
python train_dm_rs_cl.py --problem $problem_name --stage 2 --restore_path ../weights/${problem_name}_stage1.ckpt --save_path ../weights/${problem_name}_stage2.ckpt --lambda1 0.1
python evaluate.py --problem $problem_name --path ../weights/${problem_name}_stage2.ckpt --output ../logs/${problem_name}.log --mode test
= rastrigin06, rastrigin12, rastrigin18, rastrigin24, rastrigin30 means train on test function rastrigin on dim=6, 12, 18, 24, 30, respectively.$problem_name
= ackley06, ackley12, ackley18, ackley24, ackley30.$problem_name
= griewank06, griewank12, griewank18, griewank24, griewank30.$problem_name
= privacy_attack means privacy_attack experiment.$problem_name
= protein_dock means protein docking experiment.
and you can select $lambda1
from {10, 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001}.
If you use this code for you research, please cite our paper.
title={Bayesian Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification for Learning to Optimize: What, Why, and How},
author={Yuning You and Yue Cao and Tianlong Chen and Zhangyang Wang and Yang Shen},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},