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A micro-plugin for displaying unobtrusive announcements.


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jQuery.announce - A micro-plugin for displaying unobtrusive announcements.

Developed by Cory LaViska for A Beautiful Site, LLC, 2017
Extended by Philip Mayer 2019

Licensed under the MIT license: http:


This plugin provides a minimal, lightweight, and customizable notification API for showing unobtrusive announcements in various styles. It's flexible enough to mold to your application's existing stylesheet and markup.


  • Simple syntax:
    • $'Hello there!')
    • $.announce.danger('Delete this?')
    • $.announce.success('All done?')
    • $.announce.warning('Are you sure?')
  • Minimal default styles; easy to customize or write your own.
  • Show/hide hooks for adding custom animation (works well with Velocity.js).
  • Responsive
  • Works well with Bootstrap and other frameworks
  • Same colorscheme as Bootstrap 4
  • Compact! (about 160 lines)


A quick demo can be found on CodePen:

A local demo can be found in example.html.


Include the minified version of this plugin in your project or install via NPM:

npm install --save jquery-announce

For webpage usage you can also use the jsDelivr CDN:

<!--Bind jquery here-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/jquery.announce.min.css">
<script src="[email protected]/jquery.announce.min.js"></script>

Using the plugin

// Minimal example
$'Hi there!');

// Example with options
  message: 'Well <em>hello</em> there!',
  hPos: 'bottom',
  vPos: `left`,
  outline: true
  duration: 2000,
  hideOnClick: true,
  html: true

// Use own colors
  message: 'Purple power!',
  customColors: true,
  // important: you need to set the same colors property as the announcement-type
  // text is the color of the announcement text
  colors: {info : 'purple', text: 'mistyrose'}


The following announcements are included by default:


There is also a method to create custom announcements:

  • $.announce.say('your-custom-type', options)

In this case, the resulting announcement will be assigned the following classes that you can use for styling purposes: announce announce-your-custom-type

Note: By design, only one announcement will ever be shown at a time. Multiple notifications (i.e. stacking or growl-style) are outside the scope of this micro-plugin.


If options is a string, it will be used as the message. If options is an object, it will be merged with $.announce.defaults.

Available options:

  • className: The class name to assign to the announcement.
  • duration: The length of time in milliseconds to show the announcement.
  • hideOnClick: If true, the announcement will be hidden when the user clicks on it.
  • html: If true, HTML will not be escaped when setting the message.
  • show: Function for showing the announcement. Use this to reference the announcement element. Must return a promise-compatible object that resolves when the promise is completely visible. (This promise is currently not used, but is included for future enhancements.) Default value:
  • outline: If true, the announcement will be outlined
  • outlineColor: Color of announcement background-color. Default value: 'transparent'
  • hPos: Horizontal position, values top|bottom|center. Default value: top
  • vPos: Vertical position, values left|right|center. Default value: center
  • customColors: If true, custom color/colorschemes for announcement can be used. By default the custom color set are bootstrap 4 colors.
  • colors: Color set for custom colors. Usable options are: info danger warning success primary secondary light text dark. text is for css color property.
    function() {
      var defer = $.Deferred();
      $(this).fadeIn(250, function() {
      return defer;
  • hide: Function for hiding the announcement. Use this to reference the announcement element. Must return a promise-compatible object that resolves when the announcement is completely hidden. Default value:
    function() {
      var defer = $.Deferred();
      $(this).fadeOut(250, function() {
      return defer;

You may also update the default options before calling either method:

$.announce.defaults.optionName = yourValue;


All announcements return a promise-compatible (jQuery-deferred) object that will resolve once the announcement is completely hidden:

$'Hi there!').then(function() {


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  • HTML 44.6%
  • JavaScript 43.7%
  • CSS 11.7%