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Real-time Order Management System

How start your application

In order to start application you should start HttpApi.Host project first, then start .Blazor project In order to log in to the system use this default credentials: Login - admin, password - 1q2w3E*

1. Switch to EF Core SQLite Provider:

For SQLite connection string use this pattern: "Filename=./MyDatabaseName.db", this pattern will create databases in bin folder of the project where migrations are executed

2. Separate host and identity data bases-

  • Create db context and design time db factory for new database using this article

Don't forget to set attribute ConnectionString for your new db context. Make your db context look like in here

  • Automate migration for second db context using this article
  • Edit OnModelCreating method of your new db context so it looks like in this article
  • You can run .DbMigrator project now
  • Check bin->Debug->net7.0 folder. Here you will find your new database

3. Make manipulations with host database

In previous step we separated host and identity databases. So let make a test migration to host database.

First of all put your database in this folder .DbMigrator->bin->Debug->net7.0

Follow this steps:

  • Create simple class, CustomerDemographics you can find it here.

  • Inside your DbContext for host database add DbSet:

public DbSet<CustomerDemographics> CustomerDemographics { get; set; }
  • Add this code in the OnModelCreating method of DbContext for host database:
builder.Entity<CustomerDemographics>(b =>

    b.HasKey(x => x.CustomerTypeId);

    b.HasData(new CustomerDemographics() { CustomerTypeId = 1, CustomerDescription = "Lorem ipsum" });
  • Add migration (I attach sample that works for my project, for your project use your db context name):

Please remember that you should run this command in directory where your db context is

dotnet ef migrations add AddCustomerDemographics --context OMSBlazorDbContext
  • Run db migrator

  • Now you can check changes in your host database

4. Add configuration for SQLite

In the OMSBlazorEntityFrameworkCoreModule class of the .EntityFrameworkCore project add this lines of code:

//This configuration is needed for sqlite
Configure<AbpUnitOfWorkDefaultOptions>(options =>
    options.TransactionBehavior = UnitOfWorkTransactionBehavior.Disabled;

5. Add required connection strings

In appsettings.json file of the .HttpApi.Host project add this connection strings:

"Default": "Filename=./NorthwindSQLite.db",
"AbpIdentity": "Filename=./NorthwindIdentitySQLite.db",
"AbpFeatureManagement": "Filename=./NorthwindIdentitySQLite.db",
"AbpAuditLogging": "Filename=./NorthwindIdentitySQLite.db"

Default - connection string is needed for connecting to the database where you store your Northwind Why do we need other three connection strings(AbpIdentity, AbpFeatureManagement, AbpAuditLogging)? So this three connection strings are pointing to the database where tables for related module stored. So for example in this current case tables for Identity, Feature, and Audit logging modules are stored in NorthwindIdentitySQLite database. If you don't write this connection strings ABP will try to find this tables in the Default connection string(this is how Abp works)

Integrate MudBlazor

Tutorial of integration MudBlazor is here -

How to access service from application layer that is NOT application laeyr

Example of this service you can find here.
Discussion about this you can find here

In a nutshell: your service should implement IRemoteService

Migration notes

  • To .NET 8 migration notes:
  1. Add migration that add AbpSettingDefinitions table to NorthwindSQLite
    1.1 To do this you can just create empty migration for OMSBlazorDbContext and copy content of 20240115220346_AddSettingsTable (you can find this file on this path: OMSBlazor.EntityFrameworkCore-> Migrations)
  2. Add migration that add LastPasswordChangeTime column to AbpUsers table in NorthwindIdentitySQLite
    2.1 To do this you can just create empty migration for OMSBlazorIdentityDbContext and copy content of 20240116200534_AddLastPasswordChangeTimeColumn (you can find this file on this path: OMSBlazor.EntityFrameworkCore-> OMSBlazorIdentity)
  3. Take instance of database that is now in OMSBlazor.HttpApi.Host and put it into the bin folder of the OMSBlazor.DbMigrator project and run OMSBlazor.DbMigrator. This project will add new tables to the existing database
  4. Copy back updated DBs to the OMSBlazor.HttpApi.Host

Deployment notes

There is a list of problems that you may encounter during publication. List of problems and theirs solutions

IIS cannot find openiddict.pfx certificate when publicating on Plesk(Adaptive web hosting)

Solution: Turn on Load the user profile state on IIS

  • On Plesk pannel of your domain you will find tab Hosting & DNS press it
  • Then you will see Dedicated IIS Application pool for Website press
  • There you will see checkbox - Load the user profile, check it

OpenIddict requires some sertificates but you don't need OpenIddict

Solution: Go to class where you add OpenIddict to your DI. In my case this is OMSBlazorHttpApiHostModule and comment the line which adds dependency to the OpenIddict.

public class OMSBlazorHttpApiHostModule : AbpModule


Real-time Order Management System







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