PL/Rust is a loadable procedural language that enables writing PostgreSQL functions in the Rust programming language. These functions are compiled to native machine code. Unlike other procedural languages, PL/Rust functions are not interpreted.
The top advantages of PL/Rust include writing natively-compiled functions to achieve the absolute best performance, access to Rust's large development ecosystem, and Rust's compile-time safety guarantees.
The PL/Rust documentation is moving to a more user friendly format. The mdbook format documentation is auto-generated from the main branch.
PL/Rust provides access to Postgres' Server Programming Interface (SPI) including dynamic queries, prepared statements, and cursors. It also provides safe Rust types over most of Postgres built-in data types, including (but not limited to), TEXT, INT, BIGINT, NUMERIC, FLOAT, DOUBLE PRECISION, DATE, TIME, etc.
On x86_64 and aarch64 systems PL/Rust can be a "trusted" procedural language, assuming the proper compilation requirements are met. On other systems, it is perfectly usable as an "untrusted" language but cannot provide the same level of safety guarantees.
An example PL/Rust function:
-- return the character length of a text string
Ok(Some(name.unwrap().len() as i32))
# select strlen('Hello, PL/Rust');
PL/Rust itself is a pgx
-based Postgres extension. Furthermore, each LANGUAGE plrust
function are themselves mini-pgx extensions. pgx
is a generalized framework for developing Postgres extensions with Rust. Like this project, pgx
is developed by TCDI.
The following sections discuss PL/Rusts safety guarantees, configuration settings, and installation instructions.
Installing PL/Rust and especially postgrestd
requires a normal installation of Rust via
and for the relevant locations to be writeable on the building host.
See the Install PL/Rust
section of the documentation for notes on installing PL/Rust and its dependencies.
See the Cross compliation section of the documentation for cross-compilation details.
See the PostgreSQL Configuration
section of the documentation for notes on configuring PL/Rust in
See the Lints section of the documentation.
See the Environment variables section of the documentation.
To quickly get started using PL/Rust for evaluation purposes, install cargo-pgx
following the steps from above, then...
$ git clone
$ cd plrust/plrust
$ cargo pgx run pg14
psql> \q
$ SCRATCH_DIR=/home/${USER}/plrust-scratch
$ cat <<-EOF >> ~/.pgx/data-14/postgresql.conf
plrust.work_dir = '${SCRATCH_DIR}'
$ mkdir -p scratch
$ chmod -R 777 scratch
Then run it for real and start writing functions!
$ cargo pgx run pg14
psql> CREATE EXTENSION plrust;
psql> CREATE FUNCTION strlen(name TEXT) RETURNS int LANGUAGE plrust AS $$
Ok(Some(name.unwrap().len() as i32))
psql> select strlen('Hello, PL/Rust');
In the Postgres world it seems common for procedural languages to have two styles, "trusted" and "untrusted". The consensus is to name those as "lang" and "langu", respectively -- where the "u" is supposed to represent "untrusted" (see "plperl" v/s "plperlu" for example).
PL/Rust does not do this. The only thing that Postgres uses to determine if a language handler is considered "trusted" is if it was created using CREATE TRUSTED LANGUAGE
. It does not inspect the name.
PL/Rust stores the compiled user function binaries as a bytea
in an extension-specific table uniquely key'd with its compilation target.
As such, compiling a function with an "untrusted" version of PL/Rust, then installing the "trusted" version and trying to run that function will fail -- "trusted" and "untrusted" are considered different compilation targets and are not compatible with each other, even if the underlying hardware is exactly the same.
This does mean that it is not possible to install both "trusted" and "untrusted" versions of PL/Rust on the same Postgres database cluster.
In the future, as postgrestd
is ported to more platforms, we will seriously consider having both plrust
and plrustu
. Right now, since "trusted" is only possible on Linux x86_64
, our objective is to drive production installations to be "trusted", while allowing non-Linux developers the ability to use LANGUAGE plrust
Please read the Security for directions on reporting a potential security issue.
PL/Rust is licensed under "The PostgreSQL License", which can be found here.