Users and authentication management SaaS
- Official website:
- Documentation:
All contributions to improve the project are welcome! In particular, bug and documentation fixes are really appreciated.
For new features and larger improvements, we kindly ask you to open a discussion first about your idea, what motivates it and how you plan to implement it before you start working. It'll avoid frustration on both sides if we decide not to integrate your code in the project.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
To get started quickly, we recommend you to use GitHub Codespaces. We have a complete configuration allowing you to start working on Fief right away, including pre-configured PostgreSQL and Redis servers.
When the Codespace is built, a main workspace and a main user are automatically created.
Main user credentials
[email protected]
Run the Fief server in development mode with the following command:
hatch run dev.server.start
The worker can also be started with the following command:
hatch run dev.worker.start
Fief is fair-code distributed under Elastic License 2.0 (ELv2).