🌱 I’m currently learning more about React, Mongoose, Sequelize, Express
💬 Ask me about HTML - CSS - JavaScript - TypeScript - REACT - Express - Node.js - Redux - Mongoose - Sequelize
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
📄 Know about my experiences https://lnkd.in/ezdaC7XQ
⚡ Fun fact I like teamwork and learn more and more
My CV Curriculum
I worked on two projects, the first is a Full Stack application whose theme is pokemon, where you can see and create pokemon, filter them, see their details and delete the ones you have created, the technologies used were:
HTML, CSS, Javascript, React.js, Redux, Express and Sequelize.
The second project ProgramandoAndo was developed in conjunction with my colleagues at Henry's BootCamp. It is a study platform where I was able to learn and use new technologies such as MongoDB and Mongoose in the database and behind, and Redux Toolkit and Tailwind in the Front.