Welcome to our delicious project! This work is dedicated to the development of the 7Fifty2 Edibles website, a startup project focused on banana-based edibles.
E-commerce Page Explore the code that powers our delightful menu of banana-based edibles. We've crafted a dynamic website with a versatile selection of flavors and products.
Educational Blog Dig into the code that generates our blog page, offering insightful content about banana edibles, their manufacture, and the world of bananas.
Chatbot Assistance We've implemented the chatbot to provide user assistance and a seamless browsing experience.
Search Engine Inclusion of an intuitive search engine, allowing users to find their favorite banana treats or explore new ones.
Add to Cart and Checkout Website facilitates the shopping experience by allowing users to add items to their cart and proceed to a secure and straightforward checkout process.
Client: React, Javascript, HTML, CSS
Server: Node, MongoDB