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or, Epic Lab Form

Frontend interface for Elf.

by Hussain Khalil


This repository contains the frontend for Elf.

It requires a corresponding backend to function properly.

Elf is a web-based application for submitting, viewing and processing lab requests.

You can find a project abstract at meta/Lab Request Application - Project Abstract.pdf.


This package requires:

  • npm (from Node.js)
  • Bower
  • Apache webserver (or another server)

If you have npm installed, you can install all npm dependencies with the command:

sudo npm install

If you have bower installed, you can install all bower dependencies with the command:

bower install


Files in this repository are meant to be served through a web server.

Apache is recommended, since configuration files are in Apache format, but any server should do.

If gulp is installed, you should build the repository (see "Building"), and serve content from the dist directory.

Otherwise, serve from the src directory.

Source Code

The project source is located in src. All files are written vanilla HTML, CSS, JavaScript or are images (or fonts).

  • assets - Contains images, stylesheets and fonts
    • fonts - Contains fonts
    • images - Contains images
    • stylesheets - Contains CSS stylesheets
  • components - Contains Bower packages
  • pages - Contains source code for webpages
    • dashboard - Source for dashboard page
    • sign-in - Source for sign-in page
  • scripts - Contains JavaScript files


Build this repository using the following command:


The build process will output the new files to the dist directory. Point your web server there.

The project can be used straight from the src directory, but it is recommended to build it for production uses.

This repository uses gulpjs for build automation. Build tasks can be found in the gulpfile.js file.

Apache Configuration

  • It is recommended to enable the following (non-required) Apache modules:

    • mod_header
    • mod_expires

    You can enable them with the following command (Mac/Linux only):

      sudo a2enmod header expires
  • Apache will return a 403 Forbidden error code if you do not include a AllowOverride All directive in the configuration file (not .htaccess) file:

      <Directory />
          AllowOverride All

    If you don't have access to the configuration file, comment out the whole section labeled "Generic options" in the file src/.htaccess

Further Reading

  • Project Icons - meta/icons
  • Project Abstract - meta/Lab Request Application - Project Abstract.pdf
  • Stack Diagram - meta/Lab Request Stack Diagram.pdf
  • Site Mockups - meta/Site Mockups.pdf

Last updated 04.01.2016


Elf: Work Together Better - Client






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