Toy Story: imagnination in your hand 🌈👋 Overview Toystory is a flutter application which helps children to make their own 3d model contents or toy using their imagination. How it works Step1. If a child speak or draw something on a mobile phone or tablet, the speech or drawing is converted to a text using SpeechToText or ImagetoText Step2. The app generates an image based on the previous text(prompt) by using Dall-E 3 api. Step3. Toystory app converts the previous 2d image(.png) to a 3d model(.obj,.glb) using TripoSR which leverages LRM(Large Reconstruction Model) Step4. Children can play with the 3d model content or print a real toy by using 3d printer. Skills Example sword(child's drawing of a sword -> modfied image -> 3d printed sword) A drawing by 8-year-old kid Result(3d content) Real toy by 3d printing