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[FPL 2021] SyncNN: Evaluating and Accelerating Spiking Neural Networks on FPGAs.

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SyncNN adopts a novel synchronous approach for rate encoding based Spiking Neural Networks(SNNs) and accelerates SNNs on Xilinx ARM-FPGA SoC boards. The SyncNN framework is scalable to run deep SNN networks on various Xilinx FPGA boards. The code base has three widely used image classification networks: LeNet, Network in Network (NiN), and VGG-13. The networks have been evaluated on MNIST, CIFAR-10 and SVHN datasets. It is developed and maintained by the SFU-HiAccel group at SFU, led by Dr. Fang.

If you use SyncNN in your research, please cite our FPL'21 paper:

Sathish Panchapakesan, Zhenman Fang, Jian Li. SyncNN: Evaluating and Accelerating Spiking Neural Networks on FPGAs. International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2021). September 2021.

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Setup Requirements

  1. Evaluated hardware platforms:

    • Xilinx SoC FPGA:
      • Xilinx ZCU 102 Board
      • Xilinx ZCU 104 Board
      • Xilinx ZED Board
  2. Software tools:

    • HLS tool:
      • Xilinx SDSoC 2019.1
    • Training Network
      • Google Collab or any Python compiler supporting Jupyter Notebook
    • Software Version
      • Any personal PC/IDE that support G++ compiler

Accelerate SNN Algorithm using SyncNN

Assuming you are in the project home directory of the checked out SyncNN github repo.

  1. Train Networks

    • Change directory to train/
    • Training is done using Keras.
    • While training CNNs, we have some conditions to realize them in SNN for evaluation
      • Bias Less,
      • ReLu as activation factor,
      • No Batch Normilization layers,
      • Use Average Pooling instead of Max. Pooling
    • The train folder has three different networks.
      • mnist_lenet.ipynb - LeNet network for MNIST dataset
      • cifar10_nin.ipynb - NiN network for CIFAR-10 dataset
      • cifar10_vgg.ipynb - VGG13 network for CIFAR-10 dataset
    • After you train the networks, make sure to save the (.h5) file generated.
  2. Convert to .h files

    • Change directory to convert_h/
    • This part involves the conversion of trained weights to .h files.
    • The convert_h folder has three different networks.
      • lenet_convert_h.ipynb - LeNet network
      • nin_convert_h.ipynb - NiN network
      • vgg_convert_h.ipynb - VGG13 network
    • Load the '.h5 file' correspondingly for the choosen network. Change the name of the load_model to the choosen .h5 file.
    • The code would retrieve weights as .h files for every layer. Save them.
  3. Quantize Networks

    • Change directory to quantize/
    • This part involves the reduction of network weight precision to lower number of bits (16 bits, 8 bits and 4 bits).
    • The quantize folder has three different networks.
      • lenet_quantize.ipynb - LeNet network
      • nin_quantize.ipynb - NiN network
      • vgg_quantize.ipynb - VGG13 network The LeNet network supports 16, 8, and 4 bits. The NiN and VGG networks supports 16 and 8 bits.
    • Load the '.h5 file' correspondingly for the choosen network. Change the name of the load_model to the choosen .h5 file.
    • Set the 'bits' variable with the number of bits needed for network weights.
    • Set the 'p' variable with the percentile of weights to skip from both ends.
    • For networks which have Dense Layers after Pooling Layer, we have to flatten the pooling layer and reshape it for dense layer. arrd1= arrd1.reshape(6,6,32,256) arrd1=np.transpose(arrd1,(2,0,1,3)) arrd1=arrd1.reshape(1152,256) The parameters are modified based on the layer size.
    • The code would retrieve weights as .h files for every layer. Save them.
    • Also, note the scaling factors printed after the quantization.

    Note: The following link contains pre-trained network (.h files) for MNIST network at 4 bits precision.

  4. Configure SyncNN

    • Change directory to design/
    • Choose the network folder that you wish to evaluate.
      • LeNet or NiN or VGG
    • Add the trained weights (.h files) in a folder design/<network>/includes and include them in design/<network>/tb.cpp.
    • The following network configurations are evaluated.
    Network Configuration
    Lenet-S Input-32C3-P2-32C3-P2-256-Output
    Lenet-L Input-32C5-P2-64C5-P2-2048-Output
    NiN Input-(192C5-192C1-192C1-P3)*2-192C5-192C1-10C1-GAP-Output
    VGG Input-(64C3-64C3-P2)-(128C3-128C3-P2)-(256C3-256C3-P2)-(512C3-512C3-P2)*2-256-256-Output
      • MNIST dataset is tested for Lenet-S and Lenet-L and the network configuarations are available in LeNet/includes/mnist_1.h and LeNet/includes/mnist_2.h
      • SVHN dataset is tested for Lenet-S and VGG and the network configuarations are available in LeNet/includes/svhn_1.h and VGG/includes/svhn_2.h
      • CIFAR-10 dataset is tested for NiN and VGG and the network configuarations are available in NiN/includes/cifar10_1.h and VGG/includes/cifar10_2.h
      • Note: SyncNN supports any network configuration or network. When we try a new network, the configurations have to be modified accordingly.
    • The next step is choose the Xilinx SoC FPGA platform. We have tested on three boards:
      • Xilinx ZCU 102 Board
      • Xilinx ZCU 104 Board
      • Xilinx ZED Board
    • The Unroll parameters for each board varies based on the available resources in the board. The parameters are available in the network configuration files.
    • The parameters are choosen such that the resource utilization is around 80% utilized for all the resources (BRAM, URAM, DSP, LUT, FF).
    • Modify the scaling factor (sf) values in the configuration files based on the results obtained during quantization.
  5. Include Dataset

  6. Build SyncNN Design

    • Software Mode
      • Change directory to design/
      • Every <network> contains a Makefile.
      • Issue the command make all from your IDE or personal computer.
      • Once the build is over, an executable named snn will be created.
      • To run, issue ./snn <number of images>.
    • Hardware Mode
      • Change directory to design/
      • Create a project in SDSoC application for every network.
      • Toggle network function to Hardware.
      • Set Hardware at 200MHz for ZCU102 board, 150MHz for ZCU104 board, and 100MHz for ZED board.
      • Build the project.
  7. Run SyncNN

    • Once the build is over, an SD Card folder is created.
    • Copy the folder contents to an SD card.
    • Insert the SD card to the FPGA board.
    • Set the FPGA board in SD card boot mode.
    • Boot the FPGA and visualize in serial monitor.
    • Change the directory to mount (cd /mnt)
    • Run the application ./snn <number of images>.


If you have further questions about SyncNN, please contact:


[FPL 2021] SyncNN: Evaluating and Accelerating Spiking Neural Networks on FPGAs.






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